A five-year effort to build a hotel, apartment building and parking deck on the North Side got a boost Monday from a $3 million state grant.

The $20 million development at East Ohio Street and Madison Avenue also will convert the former site of the Arc House alcohol treatment facility into a restaurant and banquet hall. The adjacent hotel would be a 120-room Comfort Inn. The apartment would have 36 units and the parking deck 300 spaces .

Construction could begin by spring or summer of 2015 and finish by summer 2016, said John Elash III, co-owner of October Development.

A second phase could include a second apartment building with from 36 to 48 units, and a row of single-family townhomes, Elash said.

The Northside Community Development Fund is helping finance the project. The two-acre site has been vacant since the Arc House closed about eight years ago.

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Read more from the original source:
Hotel, apartments planned for North Side

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Category: Apartment Building Construction