POSTED: 10:46 pm CDT May 17, 2012UPDATED: 10:47 pm CDT May 17, 2012 The St. Joseph Board of Education met in special session Thursday evening and selected two local architects to build two new schools.The board unanimously approved Ellison-Auxier Architects to build an approximately 75,000-square-foot elementary school at Cook and Bishop roads. The board also selected River Bluff Architects to construct a similar-sized structure at 16th and Duncan streets.We are excited about Carden Park, said Reed Graves of River Bluffs Architects. Obviously it serves a need in the community and it fits perfectly between Hall and Neely. Its going to fill a need in that neighborhood.Ron Auxier of Ellison-Auxier Architects said it was exciting to be part of the history of the school district. He looked forward to getting the contracts signed to begin the process soon. He said the basic design work is under way.Its a wonderful site to work with, Mr. Auxier said. Were looking forward to coming up with a unique and exciting design to introduce to the school district.Stephen Briggs, the school districts attorney, said contracts for the two firms will be signed no later than Monday.Once theyre actually signed and finalized, well release them to the public, he said.The new schools come by way of a $42 million bond issue that voters passed in April. Part of the money will go to provide air conditioning to the districts elementary schools.The district earlier estimated the total cost to build the school at 16th and Duncan streets at $17.9 million, and the school at Bishop and Cook roads at $15.3 million.Alonzo Weston can be reached at Follow him on Twitter: @SJNPWeston. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by comments powered by

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School board announces architects

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May 19, 2012 at 5:14 am by Mr HomeBuilder
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