It could be the best home improvement you never see. Or not. It's hard to know.

Window film a transparent barrier that, its makers say, keeps bad sunrays from eating up your furniture and driving up your air-conditioning bills is at its best unseen.

And that's the problem. How do you know it's there? Because it's invisible, I'm tempted to put it in the same category as the Emperor's New Clothes, or the buying and selling of galactic stars. I worry that homeowners are buying into some big transparent lie.

It's like sunscreen for windows, those with more faith tell me. But I want more proof. Plus, I have other concerns about sunscreen for windows.

I like natural light in a house. "The space has great light," real estate agents will say, pointing out a plus in a home. Why kill it?

I like sunshine. I grew up on the West Coast, where, before I knew better, getting a great tan was like a second career. When I did know better, I avoided the sun like a bat and slathered on sunscreen. Now I have Vitamin D deficiency from not enough sun. Someone, somewhere, is wrong.

I like conspicuous consumption. I'd rather buy a new area rug or table than some not-obvious, no-fun home improvement, like, say, insulation.

Plus, I've seen bad window jobs. And just like nose jobs, you notice only the bad ones.

As it happens, there is a man whose job is to turn unenlightened cretins like me around on this subject.

Darrell Smith, executive director of the International Window Film Association, a group of manufacturers, distributors and installers, welcomes my skepticism.

Read more:
Abundantly clear: Window films can save money invisibly

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January 25, 2014 at 1:45 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Carpet Installation