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    This weekend’s NARI Home & Remodeling Show a good tool to tackle renovation projects – WDJT - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    NEW BERLIN (CBS 58) --The annual NARI Home & Remodeling Show will be slightly smaller this year as the coronavirus pandemic keeps more people at home and interested in making improvements.

    NARI Milwaukee is hosting its home and remodeling show Oct. 16-18 at State Fair Park. Around 70 NARI Milwaukee members will host exhibit booths. Last year, more than 100 members staffed exhibit booths. The home and remodeling show has exhibitors for all types of remodeling and home improvement products and services.

    Were excited to connect homeowners who are eager to get their home improvements underway with local contractors. By hosting a safe and accessible show, were helping reopen the economy and support area small businesses, said Diane Welhouse, executive director of NARI Milwaukee, in a news release. Nearly 80% of our members are small businesses with fewer than 10 employees so the annual show is important to them.

    With people staying at home more during the pandemic, NARI members have said that business is good even though some segments of the economy are seeing significant declines as a result of COVID's effect on business.

    Todays home is working overtime as adults and children are using it as their restaurant, office, classroom, entertainment spot and vacation destination, Welhouse said in the release. NARI Milwaukee members report many homeowners are looking to improve, repurpose and expand their space due to these increased demands.

    The show will have a limited capacity with one-way aisles to enforce social distancing. All exhibitors and attendees will be required to wear face coverings, in compliance with a statewide mask mandate.

    I had the chance to speak with Michael Maples, general manger of "Renovations Group" out of Hartland. He took me on a tour at a home in New Berlin.The houserecently underwent a major renovation project, including an 1100 square-foot addition, raised roof, and new kitchen cabinetry. Maples says the upcoming NARI show is invaluable. It's a way to ask the experts to help you formulate a plan. But he says you need to do some research before you attend. You should know what your budget is along with a general idea of what you're wanting.

    For all the information about this weekend's NARI Home & Remodeling Show, just click here. Keep in mind there are some COVID restrictions you need to know about before you show up to the event.

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    This weekend's NARI Home & Remodeling Show a good tool to tackle renovation projects - WDJT

    Remodeled homes tour comes to Clark County in virtual format – The Reflector - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Building Industry Association (BIA) of Clark Countys Remodeled Homes Tour looks a little different this year. With the COVID-19 pandemic at the forefront of the communitys mind, the BIA Remodeled Homes Tour is coming to Clark County in a virtual fashion complete with pandemic inspired renovations, lending tips and more.

    We really wanted to show up for the community this year, Chair of the Remodeled Homes Tour Elizabeth Gomez said. A lot of people like to tour homes and get we decided to do a virtual edition of the tour this year.

    Starting on Thursday, Oct. 15, and continuing through Nov. 1, the BIA of Clark County will release remodeling videos for free to their website and social media pages. The remodeling videos released will cover a wide range of topics on the subject. Gomez explained how she wanted the tour to cover multiple topics because there are many different ways and styles to approaching a remodel and she wanted the viewers to know their options.

    According to Gomez, because the pandemic is causing people to spend more and more time at home, renovations are on peoples minds. She mentioned that there has been a drastic increase in the number of remodeling projects this year, and she wanted to ensure homeowners got a tour this year to know what they can do.

    People have had the time to assess what is working for them, what isnt and what they can change (in their home), she said.

    In a normal year, the remodeled homes tour allows guests to walk through homes with newly remodeled kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and more. Seeing the renovations could give homeowners ideas on how to renovate their own homes. While in person viewings are on hold for the year, Gomez said there are a couple of benefits with holding the show online. Most notably, smaller renovations will be highlighted more. For example, Gomez and her contracting group Bridge City Contracting, are highlighting a smaller bathroom renovation this year.

    Bathroom renovations are usually near the top of a list when talking about remodels. This year, Bridge City Contracting is taking COVID-19 inspirations into the bathroom with ultraviolet sanitation and Washlet toilets.

    Im not sure if people would drive to see someones master bathroom (in a normal year), Gomez explained. But the online tours provide a way for people to look at projects that really deserve attention and it provides a convenient way to do that.

    Last year, local contractors focused on adding basements and multi-room overhauls during the Remodeled Homes Tour. In 2019, Bridge City Contracting joined the tour for a second year and had the theme of functionality and flow in their Battle Ground renovation which included a cup warming drawer and built-in espresso bar in the kitchen.

    This year, the tour will feature over six homes in the Clark County area. With each home having its own aspect of renovations, viewers can expect to see kitchens, bathrooms, master bedrooms and more on the tour.

    Along with this, Gomez explained that the tours leading sponsor, Columbia Credit Union, will be hosting a video on the aspects of financing a remodel. Other topics include why you should hire a contractor, and how to save time and money. Gomez said that hiring a contractor saves both time and money because there will be less mistakes to fix and professionals on the job.

    Kitchen remodels can be a fun way to spice up your downstairs entertainment space. Last year, Bridge City Contracting added a full espresso bar to a kitchen during a renovation.

    The theme for Bridge City Contracting in this years Remodeled Homes Tour is Self Care and the theme makes itself known in their bathroom renovation. Gomez explained how Bridge City Contracting looked at ways to reduce stress in a year when stress is affecting everybody more than normal. Their bathroom renovation included a freestanding spa and soaking tub, a spa shower with body sprays and heat warmers built into the floor. Gomez said that, in a normal year, most people would put me time on the bottom of their list. However, with the pandemic causing stress and people spending more time at home, me time has become more of a priority. I remember pre-COVID how a lot of people would regard a bathtub as a luxury item instead of a necessity whereas now a lot of people are realizing that self care is essential.

    Self care and me time arent the only ways the pandemic has changed the aspects of home renovations. According to Gomez, a lot of new features in the homes are centered around cleaning and sanitation. In the bathroom, the contractors installed a Washlet toilet complete with toilet paper free sanitation, heated seats and even an ultraviolet cleaning and sanitation feature.

    Renovation techniques and norms being influenced by the events of the world arent a new thing, Gomez explained. Each year, home renovations are inspired by culture, art, fashion and politics. One year, the biggest thing was smart technology such as light bulbs controlled by phone applications, voice assistants and thermostats connected to the internet. Along with this year's pandemic inspired rooms, Gomez said one renovation was themed around Halloween as the tour takes place at the end of October.

    Each and every contractor featured in the online tour works and builds in Clark County. Bridge City Contracting is one of many contractors in the BIA Group Remodelers of Clark County. All of the remodelers (on the tour) are a local group of craftspeople that support each other and support the community, Gomez said.

    Me Time was one of Bridge City Contractings main inspirations this year. With more people spending time at home, more people are realizing the importance of self care. Renovations could include the addition of a sauna and/or a spa shower and tub.

    The tour is completely free to view online at and on the BIAs Facebook page at

    Read the original here:
    Remodeled homes tour comes to Clark County in virtual format - The Reflector

    Restoring leadership in the White House requires a change – Buffalo News - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Just this month, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article titled, Dying in a Leadership Vacuum. In the piece, its noted that, throughout the world, leaders had to make hard choices as to how to respond to the Covid-19 crisis. Under this presidents alarming lack of leadership, the Journal noted that the United States has taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy.

    This tragedy is the America we are experiencing today and the country in which we live and take pride is not the America we all deserve. The country is more divided politically, socially and emotionally than ever before. Basic values around race, equality, the merits of science just to name a few have all been called into question.

    There are no winners in this rhetoric. When our leaders seek to divide us by our differences, we all lose. The notion of unity and being united is woven into the fabric of America yet here we are, standing fractured, farther apart than ever before.

    As we look out over the next four years, we need a leader who can unite. This requires a leader who listens, who is empathetic, who is kind. While these qualities seem like basic traits, we must not take them for granted after the last four years.

    Thats why I am voting for Joseph R. Biden as the next president of the United States.

    Biden understands what it means to struggle through adversity and loss, and he understands the support everybody needs to soldier on through their own hardships to arrive whole on the other side.

    Continued here:
    Restoring leadership in the White House requires a change - Buffalo News

    Owego Hose Team takes on new restoration project – WBNG-TV - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    OWEGO (WBNG) -- The Owego Hose Team is tackling another restoration project in an effort to preserve Owego's history.

    Owego was once home to the oldest operational steam fire engine in the United States. The Amoskeag Steam Fire Engine dates back to the 1800's, but it has not been functional since the 1980's. This early version of a fire truck used steam to pump water through hoses.

    "In the old days, things were a little bit different," said Owego Hose Team Treasurer John Loftus. "Steam-powered, horse driven, and this one back in the 1800's was actually pulled by hand."

    The project will be done in three phases, and it could take a couple of years, costing upwards of $100,000. However, the hose team says they have a purpose, all in hopes of inspiring a new generation of firefighters.

    "We're all preserving history for not only what we remember when we were kids, but for our kids and our grandchildren going forward. It's really that pride we have for our community," said Loftus.

    The hose team will be hosting fundraising events for the restoration. The "steamer" will be restored in Hope, Maine. To read more about the project, head over to their website.

    Originally posted here:
    Owego Hose Team takes on new restoration project - WBNG-TV

    How to financially and emotionally prepare for a renovation – Domain News - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Television shows such asThe Blockcan make renovating look easy, but when it comes to costs financial and emotional theres much to consider before taking the leap.

    Financial and mental aspects are very much interlinked when it comes torenovations, says PRD Real Estate chief economist Diaswati Mardiasmo. They go hand in hand.

    There will always be some sort of financial and mental stress inrenovations, it is inevitable, however thorough research and preparation can mitigate this to a certain extent.

    Dr Mardiasmo says renovators need to prepare themselves for extra costs, time delays, unexpected paperwork and hurdles that usually require immediate solutions.

    Your ability to jump those hurdles, will depend on how prepared you are. According to Dr Mardiasmo, research and preparation are key.

    Intensive, deep-dive research can mitigate these issues to some extent.

    While there are many factors to consider before deciding whether to embark on a renovation process, according to senior interior designer at SJS Interior Shilpa Mohan cost is the most important.

    You want to ensure you spend enough money to attain your desired outcome, without overcapitalising on your property, says Ms Mohan.

    Try and do some research on recently sold properties in your area that have undergone a renovation and to see what price they sold for.

    You should also consider whether you intend, or need, to live in the property during the renovation.

    Keep in mind that if you engage a builder, they usually move a lot quicker if you dont live at the property, says Ms Mohan.

    But living elsewhere might cost you extra if you have to rent another property.

    To avoid financial and emotional shocks, its important to start preparing for a renovation months in advance.

    The timeline really depends on the amount of work you are doing and whether you need any approvals, says Ms Mohan.

    You should be thinking about the design process, the time for approvals to be finalised and lead times on materials, furniture, fixtures or fittings that you need to source for your renovation.

    You should also be prepared for it to be a long and emotional process.

    Renovations arent always easy, so be mentally prepared for it by planning adequately beforehand.

    Renovations can be classified as cosmetic, code-assessable and structural, according to property developer Ian Ugarte, of Small Is The New Big.

    Cosmetic renovations involve minor changes like repainting or refinishing floors, and usually dont require approval. Code-assessable renovations may involve removing internal walls or changing layouts, and may require sign-off from a private certifier. Structural renovations involve expanding the floorspace of a home upwards or outwards, and need council approval.

    When considering a code-assessable or structuralrenovation, Mr Ugarte says you should first ask yourself some key questions.

    What am I trying to achieve with thisrenovation? Am I trying to add value to my property to sell, or just create a more beautiful home in which to live? If Im trying to add value, does it measure up?

    Ideally, arenovationshould increase the value of the property by 1.5 times the amount youre spending.

    Refinance Savings CalculatorWork out how much you could save on your home loan.


    Upfront costs calculatorFind out how much you could put towards your deposit.


    Repayments calculatorSee how much your monthly repayments would be.


    Equity calculatorCalculate how much equity you may be able to access.


    Next, ask yourself how much you have available to spend on arenovation.

    Will you need to dip into the equity in your property, if possible, to fund therenovation? Have you allowed for additional costs, like the costs of going through the planning process, if youre considering a full structuralrenovation?

    Another factor that must be taken into account is the potential for the building costs to blow out through variations to the scope of works.

    To avoid this, its advisable to not only compare at least three quotes for therenovationplans, its also advisable to get another builder, tradesperson or building professional to cast their eye over the quote/s to ensure its a realistic reflection of the costs involved to carry out therenovation, Mr Ugarte said.

    That way, when you lock in a price, youre more likely to be able to avoid any changes in price from unexpected variations.

    When considering arenovation, you also need to prepare mentally for the challenges this presents, such as the level of inconvenience or disruption and if you will find it sustainable.

    For example, if yourrenovationsdont require you to move out, you will need to be prepared to live in clutter, mess and chaos, Mr Ugarte said.

    Likewise, you may need to rely on neighbours and friends for access to bathroom facilities, or even use a temporary on-site toilet.

    Scheduling delays and cost blowouts can also cause stress and frustration.

    To avoid derailing, try to manage your expectations and anticipate that everything wont just go to plan.

    Remember, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

    Read the original here:
    How to financially and emotionally prepare for a renovation - Domain News

    Warren County approves plan for Solid Rock Churchs boys home with equine therapy – Hamilton Journal News - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Turtlecreek Twp. Trustee Jonathan Sams told the commissioners that the township did not oppose the churchs mission to develop a facility which looks attractive but said there were better locations in the township to build. He said the township wants to expand its tax base but struggles due to the proximity of three correctional centers.

    In August, the trustees sent a letter to the county Rural Zoning Commission asking that it deny the zoning change. The trustees cited the zoning change was contrary to the area plans adopted the township and the county commissioners for future development as well as being contrary to the business/economic plan and would have a substantial negative impact for planned business and residential uses.

    In July, church representatives withdrew a similar plan rather than risk rejection because the existing plan for the land use, approved in 2002, only permitted senior-living facilities, including a 30-person building and 36 single-family homes.

    It would expand on a 12-boy home already set up in the church and make way for a similar program for 12 girls

    Commissioner Shannon Jones said the proposed facility will address a great need in the county of placing foster children. She said the county places children in facilities that are hours away from Warren County and in different states. Jones said the facility would be on church owned property and it was a service they want to provide that isnt available now.

    This would be cost-effective to the county, she said.

    Jones said the goal was to reunify children with parents and placing them locally would be a benefit. While she wants to help the township, she did not think the facility competes with the township efforts.

    Commissioners Tom Grossman and David Young agreed.

    Weve been partners with the township but it looks like this time well have to disagree, Young said.

    He said the churchs plan was an extension of their ministries.

    Read the original:
    Warren County approves plan for Solid Rock Churchs boys home with equine therapy - Hamilton Journal News

    What’s Fair? Restoring Progress at Home and at Work Amid COVID – - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Just when women thought they might be making progress toward equality at home and at work, COVID-19 crushed years of effort in a matter of months. For many professional working mothers, sheltering in place has meant working full time, home schooling their children and bearing the brunt of parenting duties all while fearing the loss of their jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately six in ten of the jobs eliminated in the first wave of the pandemic were held by women. Single mothers have been hardest hit, losing jobs at a higher rate than married women.

    In the midst of a pandemic, how can women have the necessary conversations with their bosses and partners to halt this regression and continue a dialogue toward fairness at home and at work? Join Executives Club of Chicago President and CEO Margaret Mueller for a powerful conversation with Eve Rodsky, author of the best-selling book Fair Play, at noon on Friday, Oct. 16. Rodskys book is the result of exhaustive research into how responsibilities can be reimagined, reprioritized, and redistributed so that women can reach their full potential and everyone benefits.

    See the article here:
    What's Fair? Restoring Progress at Home and at Work Amid COVID -

    Rare 1930’s Movie Posters Discovered in Walls of Home During Renovation – Icon Vs. Icon - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hidden for over eighty years! A newly discovered stash of incredibly rare and valuable vintage movie posters from the Golden Age of Hollywood has been unearthed in British Columbia, Canada. A client of CineMasterpieces found them in an old home undergoing renovation.

    While workers were tearing down walls and pulling up floorboards, they came across over one hundred different highly collectible posters from the mid-1930s. All of them are insert size 14 x 36 and were printed in the USA for use in theaters back when the films were originally released. Untouched for over eighty years they were used as insulation. Some are one of a kind only known surviving specimens and for a few titles there are just a handful of examples known to exist. Some of the premium ones include: The Bride of Frankenstein, Werewolf of London, and The Petrified Forest. A few of these posters have been known to sell for over $50,000.00, and many of them are worth well over $1000.00. Condition varies from poor to excellent and several will be restored.

    Unlike other collectibles like comic books and baseball cards where any alteration is frowned upon and can negatively affect the value, restoration of old movie posters is looked at similarly to vintage automobiles. It is acceptable and can increase the value.

    Eighty years ago, these posters were seen as having very little worth. Many titles from this era are extremely rare and the vast majority did not survive because after they were used at the theater they were generally discarded. Thankfully, someone took a stack of them from a theater storeroom and used them for insulation in their home.

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    The total value of this cache is estimated to be over $250,000.00. The owner of the posters contacted David A. Lieberman from Mr. Lieberman is the recurring featured movie poster expert on The History Channel TV show Pawn Stars. He expressed: We get a lot of phone calls where someone thinks they may have stumbled upon a treasure. Those calls are almost always false alarms. As soon as we received photos from this discovery, we realized these posters were authentic and this was a jackpot. This is an extraordinary find.

    These incredible rarities will soon be available for sale The owner of the posters wishes to remain anonymous.

    A complete list and photos will be published soon

    Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, hes assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.

    Rare 1930's Movie Posters Discovered in Walls of Home During Renovation - Icon Vs. Icon

    Breaking News – Nine Home Renovation Superstars Sign on for Season Two of HGTV’s Mega-Hit Series "Rock the Block" – The Futon Critic - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder


    New York [Oct. 6, 2020] Let's get ready to rock! HGTV has announced the challengers for the second season of its hit competition series Rock the Block. Set to premiere in early 2021, the new season, hosted by highly skilled carpenter, craftsman and designer, Ty Pennington, will have double the star power with eight of the network's brightest home renovation and design experts pairing up to completely transform identical three-story suburban properties in just one month. The 2021 Rock the Block partner teams are: home renovator and contractor Mike Holmes (Holmes On Homes) and Chicago's fearless home reno and design expert Alison Victoria (Windy City Rehab); designing dads Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent (Nate and Jeremiah: Save My House); HGTV's first Design Star winner David Bromstad (My Lottery Dream Home) with the eighth Design Star winner Tiffany Brooks (50K Three Ways); and the couple who can build and design an entire home in 100 days, Brian and Mika Kleinschmidt (100 Day Dream Home.) With a $225,000 budget and a whole lot of teamwork, the dueling duos hope to win major bragging rights and their names on a street sign.

    "Nothing says high stakes like double the stardom, double the personalities, and double the fun!" said Jane Latman, president, HGTV. "Expect to see impressive displays of strategy, creativity and incredible designs from these top stars in Rock the Block - definitely bring the popcorn."

    The season also will boast bold build and design challenges; in-show surprises; and appearances from special guest judges.

    Fans can access fun content from the first season of Rock the Block on, including before and after photos and videos, as well as find loads of behind-the-scenes extras. Viewers also can interact via social media using #RocktheBlock and will be able to follow along on the @HGTV stars' reno journeys on Instagram at @make_it_right, @thealisonvictoria, @nateberkus, @jeremiahbrent, @tiffanybrooksinteriors, @bromco, @mikamakesmoves, and @mrbreakinground.


    HGTV delivers families with relatable stories, superstar real estate and renovation experts and amazing home transformations that inspire a passionate audience. For anyone seeking entertaining and aspirational home and lifestyle content, HGTV is the place to be. HGTV offers: a top 10 cable network that is distributed to more than 86 million U.S. households; a website,, a website,, that attracts an average of 10.2 million people each month; a social footprint of 21.2 million; HGTV Magazine, a monthly publication that reaches more than one million readers and exclusive collections of home-oriented products through the HGTV HOME(TM) consumer products line. Viewers can become fans of HGTV and interact with other home improvement enthusiasts through Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. HGTV is owned by Discovery, Inc., a global leader in real life entertainment spanning 220 countries and territories, whose portfolio also includes Discovery Channel, Food Network, TLC, Investigation Discovery, Travel Channel, MotorTrend, Animal Planet, Science Channel, and the forthcoming multi-platform JV with Chip and Joanna Gaines, Magnolia, as well as OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network.

    Visit link:
    Breaking News - Nine Home Renovation Superstars Sign on for Season Two of HGTV's Mega-Hit Series "Rock the Block" - The Futon Critic

    CineMasterpieces – Rare 1930’s Movie Posters Discovered in Walls of Home During Renovation – PRNewswire - October 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --CineMasterpieces - Hidden for over eighty years! A newly discovered stash of incredibly rare and valuable vintage movie posters from the Golden Age of Hollywood has been unearthed in British Columbia, Canada. A client of CineMasterpieces found them in an old home undergoing renovation.

    While workers were tearing down walls and pulling up floorboards, they came across over one hundred different highly collectible posters from the mid-1930s. All of them are insert size 14" x 36" and were printed in the USA for use in theaters back when the films were originally released. Untouched for over eighty years they were used as insulation. Some are one of a kind only known surviving specimens and for a few titles there are just a handful of examples known to exist. Some of the premium ones include: The Bride of Frankenstein, Werewolf of London, and The Petrified Forest. A few of these posters have been known to sell for over $50,000.00, and many of them are worth well over $1000.00. Condition varies from poor to excellent and several will be restored.

    Unlike other collectibles like comic books and baseball cards where any alteration is frowned upon and can negatively affect the value, restoration of old movie posters is looked at similarly to vintage automobiles. It is acceptable and can increase the value.

    Eighty years ago, these posters were seen as having very little worth. Many titles from this era are extremely rare and the vast majority did not survive because after they were used at the theater they were generally discarded. Thankfully, someone took a stack of them from a theater storeroom and used them for insulation in their home.

    The total value of this cache is estimated to be over $250,000.00. The owner of the posters contacted David A. Lieberman from Mr. Lieberman is the recurring featured movie poster expert on The History Channel TV show Pawn Stars. He expressed: "We get a lot of phone calls where someone thinks they may have stumbled upon a treasure. Those calls are almost always false alarms. As soon as we received photos from this discovery, we realized these posters were authentic and this was a jackpot. This is an extraordinary find."

    These incredible rarities will soon be available for sale The owner of the posters wishes to remain anonymous.

    A complete list and photos will be published soon

    For further information please contact David A. Lieberman at 602.309.0500 or[emailprotected].

    CineMasterpieces.comis your source for the world's finest selection of vintage original movie posters. Over $5,000,000.00 in inventory. Established in 2001.

    SOURCE CineMasterpieces

    See the original post here:
    CineMasterpieces - Rare 1930's Movie Posters Discovered in Walls of Home During Renovation - PRNewswire

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