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    How to Install Sewer Pipes | eHow - December 28, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    home section Interior Design Housekeeping Entertaining Home Improvement Gardening & Plants Landscaping eHow Home & Garden Home Repair & Maintenance Plumbing How to Install Sewer Pipes

    Steve Sloane

    Steve Sloane started working as a freelance writer in 2007. He has written articles for various websites, using more than a decade of DIY experience to cover mostly construction-related topics. He also writes movie reviews for Inland SoCal. Sloane holds a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing and film theory from the University of California, Riverside.

    Each home has a main sewer line (pipe) that runs into either the city sewer or a septic tank. All sewer pipes from individual water fixtures (sinks, toilets, bathtubs), run and connect into this main sewer line, and are attached via connecting couplings. Sewer pipes are made of either PVC or ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) plastic, and and the joints are connected with plastic couplings and cement (glue). Water fixtures have a different diameter than sewer pipes, so it's important to contact the local city building department to determine the correct size of the pipes in your area.

    Mark the main sewer line at the point where the water fixture's sewer pipe will attach to it. Make a second mark two inches along from the first mark. Cut through the main sewer line at both marks, using a hacksaw to make sure the cuts are straight. Remove any burrs with a utility knife.

    Apply ABS glue to the inside lip on both ends of an ABS connecting coupling, and also glue around both cut ends of the sewer line. Push the connecting coupling between the two cut pipe ends, and make sure that the coupling's side spout faces up and in the direction of the water fixture. Hold the coupling in place for 30 seconds to let the glue set.

    Apply glue to the end of a piece of ABS sewer pipe and to the inside lip of the connecting coupling's side spout. Push the pipe into the spout, and hold in place for 30 seconds. Then glue a coupling to the other end of the pipe, and install all necessary pipe and couplings until the sewer pipe reaches the water fixture. For sinks, showers and bathtubs, a P-trap needs to be glued to the end of the sewer pipe before the vertical part of the P-trap is connected to the fixture. The end of a toilet sewer pipe is glued to a 90-degree street elbow joint, which in turn is glued to a closet flange.

    All horizontal sewer pipes are installed at a gradient to allow for waste to travel along the pipe. Consult your local city building department for the correct gradient in your area.

    If installing PVC sewer pipe, use PVC primer to prime all joints before using PVC glue to attach the joints together.

    Couplings come in 30-, 45-, 60- and 90-degree angles to help install sewer pipes at the proper angle. There are also "T"-shaped couplings that connect one pipe to another.

    See the rest here:
    How to Install Sewer Pipes | eHow

    Ramsey council approves bids for Elmcrest Park building - December 24, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Ramsey City Council Dec. 10 unanimously approved bids to construct a new community building at Elmcrest Park.

    This will be more than a place to buy beverages and snacks for people attending youth athletic association games. A large meeting room will give associations and the public at-large a space to discuss issues important to them.

    The new community building at Elmcrest Park will include a space for selling concessions, a large meeting room, storage space and a gathering area that includes a fireplace.

    It means that the Anoka-Ramsey Athletic Association will not have to put up a tent when hosting tournaments that host teams from out of town. Lisa Muller, president of the association, said it had to put down wood boards because Anoka County said it could not just place items on the grass if it wanted to serve concessions.

    Muller is excited to see this project move forward, which she said will get people from out of town to come to the businesses and it helps the associations keep the fields up.

    Weve been working on this diligently for the past two-and-a-half years, but weve been talking about it for 10 years, she said.

    According to Muller, the association has had as many as 172 soccer teams with about 3,000 kids at some tournaments. The association schedules games at Elmcrest for traveling teams, which start as young as the fourth grade and go up through U-17.

    Mark Riverblood, parks and assistant public works superintendent for Ramsey, said the tournaments are often three or more days. There is at least one traveling tournament in July and another in October.

    With parents and other spectators one can easily double the number of park patrons (over the 3,000), over the course of a couple of days, Riverblood said.

    Muller anticipates even more teams could be interested in coming to play at Elmcrest with this new facility in place.

    Read more here:
    Ramsey council approves bids for Elmcrest Park building

    Don’t Try to Drive over Flooded Roads - December 22, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Flood Safety Tips

    The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) urges people to learn the dangers of driving into flooded roadways because drivers often underestimate the power of floodwater. Roads weaken under floodwater and drivers should proceed cautiously after waters have receded, since the road may collapse under the weight of the vehicle.

    Twelve inches of water will float many vehicles. Two feet of rushing water will carry away most vehicles, including pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles. Water across a road may hide a missing segment of roadbed or a missing bridge. Because disaster can strike at any time, ADEM encourages everyone to have a disaster supply kit in their home and vehicle.

    When theres water on the road:Turn Around, Dont Drown. Saving your life is as simple as choosing an alternate route. If you are driving and your vehicle stalls in flood water, the best advice is to get out quickly and move to higher ground.

    Flood: Know Your Terms Familiarize yourself with these terms to help identify a flood hazard:

    Flood Watch: Flooding is possible. Tune in to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information. Flash Flood Watch: Flash flooding is possible. Be prepared to move to higher ground; listen to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information. Flood Warning: Flooding is occurring or will occur soon; if advised to evacuate, do so immediately. Flash Flood Warning: A flash flood is occurring; seek higher ground on foot immediately. Before a Flood To prepare for a flood, you should:

    Avoid building in a flood prone area unless you elevate and reinforce your home. Elevate the furnace, water heater, and electric panel if susceptible to flooding. Install "check valves" in sewer traps to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your home. Contact community officials to find out if they are planning to construct barriers (levees, beams, floodwalls) to stop floodwater from entering the homes in your area. Seal the walls in your basement with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage.

    During a Flood If a flood is likely in your area, you should:

    Listen to the radio or television for information. Be aware that flash flooding can occur. If there is any possibility of a flash flood, move immediately to higher ground. Do not wait for instructions to move. Be aware of streams, drainage channels, canyons, and other areas known to flood suddenly. Flash floods can occur in these areas with or without such typical warnings as rain clouds or heavy rain. If you must prepare to evacuate, you should do the following: Secure your home. If you have time, bring in outdoor furniture. Move essential items to an upper floor. Turn off utilities at the main switches or valves if instructed to do so. Disconnect electrical appliances. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.

    If you have to leave your home, remember these evacuation tips: Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you. Do not drive into flooded areas. If floodwaters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely. You and the vehicle can be quickly swept away.

    Read the original:
    Don't Try to Drive over Flooded Roads

    El Paso County receives $3.1 million grant for Colonia Revolucion project. - December 21, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    More than 200 residents of Colonia Revolucion in Far East El Paso County may be connected to a water pipeline for the first time by next year, said County Commissioner Vince Perez, who represents the area.

    The underserved community is located west of Horizon City between Pellicano and Eastlake drives.

    Providing potable water to the colonia will result in a better quality of life for the residents, who would also save in water and electricity bills, Perez said.

    By state law, all homes outside the city limits must have access to drinking water and a sewer or septic system in order to get a Certificate of Plat Compliance from the county, which allows homeowners to receive electrical and gas services.

    Perez said that since colonia residents do not have water connectivity, they don't qualify for the certificate of compliance. He said many of them pay commercial electricity rates, which are much more expensive than residential rates.

    "Not only they are going to get clean, safe, drinking water in their homes for the first time, this is also going to enable them to get the COCs for the first time, which is going to enable them to pay residential (electricity) rates," Perez said.

    The county has received a $3.1 million grant and a $500,000 loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide water service for the first time to about 80 homes (225 residents) in Colonia Revolucion, according to county documents.

    "The residents do not have a safe, reliable, water distribution system to meet their supply, storage or fire protection needs," a county document states.

    On Dec. 9, Commissioners Court contracted R.M. Wright Construction Company for almost $1.75 million to install an elevated water storage tank and to build a booster pump station. Commissioners Court also hired CMD Endeavors to carry out the water system improvements pipeline project, which includes installing thousands of feet of water lines and 37 fire hydrants.

    The county will work in conjunction with El Paso Water Utilities to provide the water service to the colonia.

    El Paso County receives $3.1 million grant for Colonia Revolucion project.

    Cumberland County commissioners OK first step in septic system repair - December 17, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Gregory Phillips Staff writer

    Initial steps were taken Monday night, despite objections from residents, toward seeking money to install sewer in a rural neighborhood north of Spring Lake.

    The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to create a Bragg Estates Water and Sewer District.

    The action was the first step in what is likely to be a lengthy effort to secure grants and loans from the state to install a public sewer system in the neighborhood of about 170 homes.

    Commissioners emphasized the vote doesn't guarantee a system will be built.

    "We're not saying to anybody ... that it would cost them any money at this point in time," Commissioner Kenneth Edge said.

    Bragg Estates has seven homes with irreparable septic systems and others that have drainage problems.

    "This is going to be a large problem because more and more houses are going to fail," said Daniel Ortiz, the county's environmental health director.

    Frances Melree Tart's late husband built the subdivision.

    She said Monday the building stopped because of the soil problems, and that installing sewer would allow more of the property to be developed.

    Read more:
    Cumberland County commissioners OK first step in septic system repair

    New water district closer for Town of Champlain - December 15, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    CHAMPLAIN With a $415,000 boost in state funding, the Champlain Town Council is near creating a new water district that would serve a section of Route 11 and environs, along with East Service Road and West Service Roads.

    Wednesday is the last day a petition with signatures from 5 percent of district residents can be turned in that would force a public referendum on the measure, otherwise it will go to the council for approval.

    We felt there is a great need for this, Town Supervisor Larry Barcomb said.

    Weve had people call here, and they want to come to Champlain for industry or a commercial venture or whatever, and one of the first things they ask is if we have water.

    The town has surveyed property owners there, too, and found many favor water and wastewater service. Now, wells and individual septic systems serve homes and businesses there.


    The project cost is estimated at $13,420,000, with, according to recent figures, the town paying 75 percent and the Village of Champlain contributing 25 percent.

    Estimated yearly cost per equivalent dwelling unit (water usage for a single-family home) is estimated at $816, said Matt Cooper, a principal with Bernier & Carr Associates, designer of the project.

    That would include debt service, he said.

    All property owners in the district would be required to pay debt service whether they hook up or not, he noted, with parcels not using water assessed as a half-dwelling unit each, according to early calculations.

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    New water district closer for Town of Champlain

    UEP construction begins in Cape Coral - December 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder


    A huge section of Cape Coral looks more like a construction zone right now. The controversial Utilities Expansion Project is underway in the Southwest 6/7.

    Crews are digging up streets -- all in an effort to bring city water and sewer services to the area. It's now one of the nation's largest utility projects.

    The expensive undertaking is finally taking shape. We've reported for years on the troubled quest to get this $100 million project up off the ground.

    Crews are ripping up the roads and installing sewer pipes. It's a slow process that, when complete, will bring many more people online with city services.

    "Just a lot of dust, you've got to deal with," said resident John Ramsey.

    UEP -- just a mention provokes either excitement or outrage in the Cape.

    "Most subdivisions, when you get ready to build, you put the sewer, water and the streets -- then you build your house. Not Cape Coral," Ramsey said.

    Homeowners, assessed almost $20,000 each, finally see what their money is buying them.

    "It's a little noisy. It's a little noisy. You know they've got big machines," said resident Oziel Betancourt.

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    UEP construction begins in Cape Coral

    UTEP study finds high levels of arsenic and E.coli in Vinton water system - December 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    POSTED: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 7:34pm

    UPDATED: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 7:35pm

    El Paso, TX (KTSM) After years of drinking and cooking with bottled water and residents complaining of hurting stomachs, Village of Vintaon leaders are looking for answers and help. A lack of a sewer or water system in the Village of Vinton is taking its toll.

    "Their pipes are too old or a septic tank is broken and it's releasing contaminants and families are being at risk,"said UTEP researcher Patricia M. Juarez-Carrillo, MPJ, PhD.

    UTEP researchers tested wells and septic tanks last summer and found everything from traces of salt to arsenic and E. coli, possibly causing symptoms in Vinton residents.

    "Gastrointestinal problems and maybe in the future cancer. Children being returned from school or missing school because of that," said Juarez-Carrillo.

    20% to 30% of participants reported illnesses and just how much Arsenic and E.coli was found? Well enough for researchers to suggest that Vinton connect to El Paso Water Utilities for water and sewer.

    The standard for drinking water is 10 parts of arsenic per one billion parts of water. The study found the average household in Vinton has 13.3. Arsenic and E.coli could also cause skin rashes and infections.

    "Filter their water and to also boil it because we found about 14% of the households resulted with total Coliform and E.coli," said Juarez-Carrillo.

    The study also found that septic tanks in the area overflow and could be harmful.

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    UTEP study finds high levels of arsenic and E.coli in Vinton water system

    City council approves permit for go-kart track - December 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    After months of starts and stops, plans to open a go-kart track in east Cleburne appear to be back on track. Cleburne City Council members, during their Tuesday meeting, conditionally approved a special use permit to allow the land to be used as a go-kart track and entertainment facility.

    The measure passed 3-1 with Councilwoman Gayle White voting in opposition. Cleburne Mayor Scott Cain was out of town and unable to attend Tuesdays meeting.

    The condition of approval requires property owner Lynn Limon to install either a septic system or pay for sewer lines to the property in not more than a years time. The property, annexed by Cleburne years ago, is not presently served by sewer service.

    Council approval appeared to be in jeopardy initially given the question of porta potties, which Limon will be allowed to use until a septic system or sewer service is installed.

    Councilman John Warren questioned Limons plans to install only one porta pottie, to be used by both men and women, on the grounds.

    Warren expressed dismay that a picture Limon displayed, showing two porta potties in a fenced enclosure, came from the Internet and does not represent the actual bathroom facilities she intends to install on the property.

    I support this project and we need things like this in east Cleburne, Warren said after the meeting. On the other hand, weve got to do things right for the public. All Im asking, and I dont think its an extreme request, is that she have at least two porta potties out there, one for men and one for women, separated and labeled and with a wall between them.

    Limon countered that shes never encountered gender-labeled porta potties even at Cleburne city events and further argued that Go-Kart Mania Dirt Track and Party Places bathroom facilities are cleaner than those in Hulen Park.

    Warren voted in favor of the project, but said he intends to monitor the facilitys bathroom situation and bring the question back to council should Limon open with only one bathroom.

    Go here to see the original:
    City council approves permit for go-kart track

    Texas Supreme Court declines to hear Canton case - December 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Donnita Fisher Managing Editor

    What started out as a win-win for both Joe Zoubi and the city of Canton turned into a split decision. Now Zoubi is doing his best to make sure its not a loss for both sides.

    Background Zoubi owns and operates Dukes Travel Plaza on Interstate 20. When he started building the facility, it wasnt in Canton. The property 9.25 acres was in Cantons extraterritorial jurisdiction. The Canton Economic Development Corp. approached Zoubi about the possibility of being annexed. Zoubi agreed and, in anticipation of a sewer line being extended to the property, put in a smaller septic tank than he would need to operate showers at the facility. The CEDC agreed to put the infrastructure in place to Dukes location at the northeast corner of I-20 and Highway 64. Cost of running the line to the property was less than $500,000, said Lynn Kitchens, CEDC assistant director, secretary and treasurer. Dukes agreed to be annexed, create 60 to 70 jobs with at least 50 being full time, confirm that the Myrtle Springs Water Association could supply enough water to the facility, install a fire hydrant as needed and directed by the city of Canton, and submit its monthly water bill to the city of Canton by the 15th of every month. CEDC officials said the sewer line would be finished in less than six months but a change in city leadership brought a delay and Zoubi eventually filed suit against the city. In the meantime, Dukes opened and the sewer line was completed. Judge Teresa Drum of the 294th District Court ruled in Zoubis favor. The city appealed. The case went to mediation. No settlement could be reached, so the case went to the 12th Court of Appeals where the court overturned the lower court ruling. Despite the general stated purpose that the agreement was intended to provide new economic opportunities for the Canton, Texas area, the tangible objective of the agreement between Dukes and the CEDC was to provide funding for a sewer line and lift station to Dukes real property. Any benefits that would flow from this tangible objective are indirect and attenuated benefits, and thus we conclude that Dukes did not contract to provide any service or good directly to the city Zoubi then asked the Texas Supreme Court to review the case. The suit was seeking adjudication of its claims for relief for declaratory judgment, specific performance, attorney fees and costs from defendant city of Canton. Plaintiff does not seek consequential, exemplary or monetary damages for breach of contract. The lawsuit was never about the money, Zoubi said. It was a matter of principle. Nov. 15 the court denied the review petition. I am 99.9 percent sure this should end the citys expenses in regards to this lawsuit, City Attorney Ron Stutes told councilmembers at their Nov. 19 meeting. He said he estimated the lawsuit cost the city between $30,000 and $40,000 in legal fees. The lawsuit should never have been filed, Councilman Cary Hilliard said. This case has gotten tremendous publicity the city had no recourse but to defend itself. Councilman Jerry Yarbrough said, Its not always the right thing to do, to settle. We stood our ground and won our case. Zoubi said while the city may have won the lawsuit, no one benefitted from the courts decision. We won the case at district level, they appealed. We went to mediation and I was ready to settle, Zoubi said. The request was reasonable and would have cost the city only 25 percent of what they spent on attorneys fees. And I was willing to invest back half of the 25 percent with the city of Canton in any project they wanted. But they didnt go for that and in the end, this benefitted no one.

    Moving forward Zoubi said hes ready to put the case behind him and keep on doing what hes been doing since Dukes opened bringing in sales tax and supporting the city of Canton. We did what we said we would do, Zoubi said. We did the development, we have more employees and have generated more sales tax than we projected. We are still trying to do good for the community, for Canton. Dukes has about 70 employees and everything is operating smoothly right now, Zoubi said. We are moving on the right track. According to Van Zandt County Appraisal District records, Dukes is appraised at $2.266 million and pays $45,913.42 in property tax yearly $11,009.34 to Van Zandt County; $9,524.77 to Canton; and $25,379.31 to the Wills Point school district. In addition to the convenience store/gas station, Dukes two restaurants: Dukes BBQ Smokehouse and Taco Casa and a knife shop. They all pay sales tax. When the deal was brokered, CEDC officials estimated the cost of installing the sewer line would be recuperated in five years. Based on property and sales tax figures, it now looks like it will be less than that. Dukes is doing everything they promised and more, Kitchens said. Even while the lawsuit was working its way through the court system, Zoubi and Dukes were supporting community organizations and events. Weve never turned away churches, schools or kids, Zoubi said. Weve always supported them with donations of funds and goods. And we continue to sponsor events, and we are very involved with the Canton Education Foundation and we do a lot of other things with churches. Life Fellowship Church of Myrtle Springs often meets at Dukes and recently hosted their Thanksgiving meal there. We try hard to be involved in the community, Zoubi said. Our lawsuit was not against the people of Canton. It just seems some officials had a double standard on projects. We tried so many times to solve it, end it and have a new start. We will continue to work with community all the way and continue to sponsor events. Zoubi plans to expand the offerings on his corner of I-20. Hes bringing in a Sweet Frog premium frozen yogurt and building Dukes Sports Caf a destination for sports watching with burgers, wings and games. The new businesses will be free standing next to Dukes and employee at least 25 more people, Zoubi said. Although he would have liked to have had a different outcome to the court proceedings, Zoubi said he will still do his best to promote Canton and local businesses and he hopes the city will do the same. Businesses in Canton need all the help from the city they can get because Terrell is taking away I-20 business, he said. I-20 travelers will go to Terrell because Terrell is aggressively seeking businesses coming in Canton isnt. Terrell announced last month that Buc-ees is building there. Zoubi said he is grateful to Canton Mayor Rick Lawrence for extending the hand of friendship. That move of inclusion makes Dukes want to do more for the city, for Canton and for Van Zandt County, Zoubi said. For the holiday season, Dukes Manager Brandy Kuhel made a list of many of the churches in the area. Dukes will be adopting a family from each of 26 churches. We are part of the community, Zoubi said.

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    Texas Supreme Court declines to hear Canton case

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