I find great joy in hearing the stories of churches that had successful building programs. By successful I do not mean just the adequate funding and completion of the project. I mean that the church continues to have a momentum in ministry, outward focus, and internal unity.

Unfortunately, a number of churches complete a building program only to see more challenges than opportunities. They often become discouraged and disillusioned. The building program was perceived to be a significant answer to their needs. Instead the church finds itself with declining ministries and attendance, and with greater debt and facilities to underwrite.

So what is the difference between the successful and unsuccessful churches in building programs? Why do some thrive in the aftermath, while others hit difficult times? Allow me to offer six keys to successful programs.

A church building project is a huge investment of money, ministry, and time. The aftermath of such an endeavor can be new momentum in ministry and unity. Conversely, those churches that approach a building program poorly may see significant problems in the months that follow.

Let me hear from you about your experiences in church building programs. The readers of this blog have some really great insights. I hope to hear some of yours.

Here is the original post:
The Aftermath of a Church Building Program: Six Keys to ...

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September 29, 2018 at 1:42 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Church Construction