December 31, 2020

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will be holding a pre-recorded Design Public Hearing for the proposed Rehabilitation of Boston Road Project online at:

The recording will be available for viewing on Monday, January 4, 2021. The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed project. All views and comments made as a part of the hearing process will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible. Comments received by January 14, 2021 will be prioritized for inclusion in the design, but late feedback will still be incorporated where possible.

Residents who require assistance accessing this online material, or the internet, may schedule a browsing appointment at the J.V. Fletcher Library, Monday through Friday, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please contact the library directly at 978-692-5555.

The proposed project consists of constructing improvements along Boston Road from Main Street to the I-495 SB Off-Ramp. The improvements include redefining the cross-section to include a 5-foot bicycle lane and an 11-foot travel lane in each direction through the project limits. The improvements also include construction of sidewalks with vertical granite curbing along the easterly side of Boston Road, and along the westerly side of Boston Road from Blakes Hill Road to the I-495 SB ramps; construction of ADA-compliant wheelchair ramps at corridor intersections; modifying traffic signal timings/phasing/infrastructure at three Boston Road intersections including the I-495 SB ramps, I-495 NB ramps, and Route 110; reconstruction of the existing storm drain infrastructure; water line replacement; construction of retaining walls; full depth pavement reclaim throughout the corridor; new pavement markings and signs; and accessible pedestrian signals.

Project plans and the Design Public Hearing Handout are available online at:

The handout provides additional project information as well as a comment sheet that may be submitted directly to MassDOT.

For more information, please contact:

Paul Starratt, P.E.

Town Engineer

Town of Westford

28 North Street

Westford, MA 01886

Ph: 978-399-2716

Cell: 978-360-0498

Fx: 978-399-2739

Additional Info...

This press release was produced by the Town of Westford. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Original post:
Boston Road Design Public Hearing In Westford Town -

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