I would pay $10 for someone to unload my dishwasher. I recognize this isnt a lot of money, but were running it two or three times a day lately, so there is an opportunity for a nice supplemental income. Im just so tired of doing it.

Then again, I could eliminate that need entirely, because I would pay $100 to be able to sit and eat at a restaurant. It doesnt even have to be a good restaurant. I just want to have someone bring me food, and when Im done, for someone else to collect the dirty plates.

That sounds nice, doesn't it?

I find myself putting a dollar figure on a lot of things that I wish I could have right now because of the coronavirus, and I cant imagine that Im the only one. We are finishing our second month of this lockdown, with no end in sight, grinding along in this sort of alternate reality.

Two months of this &#$*% already.

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Some of the things we took for granted, every day of our lives, almost feel like mirages. Did we really go see movies in an actual movie theater? And fly on cramped airplanes for business or even -- gasp -- for pleasure?

Did we really fill stadiums and arenas to watch sporting events with thousands of other people, and do it like it was no big deal at all?

How was that even possible?

And so, from the confines of my quarantine, I decided to put a dollar figure on everything Im missing. Please feel free to send me your additions to the list. (Or, if you can sneak into our house, that deal with the dishwasher still stands.)

Here we go ....

I would pay $1 to walk my dog today without someone diving across the street to avoid me. Honestly, I feel like Im playing a game of coronavirus chicken, waiting to see if the other person will get off the sidewalk first.

I would pay $2 to shake someones hand without feeling like a social pariah. Can you imagine the look youd get right now if you even extended your hand towards a stranger? Theyd sooner call 9-1-1 than shake it.

I would pay $3 for every EMT, nurse, doctor or first responder I could safely hug.

I would pay $5 for my kids to have a playdate with their friends. If this playdate its taking place in another house, make it $50. Sleepover, $100. Weekend away -- hang on, Ill need to check the balance in our savings account.

I would pay $8 for an effective way to keep my glasses from fogging up when I wear a face mask. So I can either protect myself from the virus, or I can actually see where Im going? Is that how its going to be for the next few months?

I would pay $10 a month to support NJ Advance Medias team of journalists. Actually, I already do. Would you consider doing the same?

I would pay $20 to find a recipe online that I like and, without a hint of guilt or fear, head out to the supermarket that very minute to buy the ingredients.

I would pay $25 to sit at a bar, order a cold draft beer and strike up a conversation with a stranger or the bartender. Add a cheeseburger, and double that.

I would pay $30 an hour for a babysitter. This is twice the going rate. I know, I know, why bother if everything is closed anyway? Heres the plan: Wed go out the front door, sneak in through the garage and hide in the attic for four hours.

I would pay $40 for an hour at the gym. Of course, at this point, I would spend most of that hour wheezing on the floor.

I would pay $50 if (insert name of politician here) would just stop talking. Heres my daily update: Its the same as yesterday, and tomorrow isnt looking much better.

I would pay $75 for a good nights sleep.

I would pay $80 for one news cycle -- just one! -- that didnt make me wish I could throw the TV off the roof.

I would pay $100 to watch a live sporting event. I dont care whos playing, or what sport, or what level -- it can even be soccer! I dont need a seat. Ill bring a cooler and sit on that.

I would pay $150 for a well-prepared steak, served right as it comes off the grill, with a perfectly matched glass of red wine. Throw in some crispy fries, and ... great, now I need to wipe the drool off my keyboard.

I would pay $200 to have our teachers back in their classrooms where they belong.

I would pay $250, in a check made out to the charity of your choice, never to again have to hear or read the words, Its just the flu.

I would pay $500 to guarantee that our summer vacation go on as scheduled. We have a lovely rental a block off the beach in Long Beach Island. Its even a short walk from the amusement park called Fantasy Island, and yes, the idea that the rides and arcades will be open in early July does, indeed, feel like a fantasy.

I would pay $1 million for things to be normal for even a week. Yeah, I cant afford that. But Im guessing youd all chip in to make that happen.

Tell us your coronavirus stories, whether its a news tip, a topic you want us to cover, or a personal story you want to share.

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Steve Politi may be reached at spoliti@njadvancemedia.com.

Continued here:
Heres everything Id pay good money for as the coronavirus quarantines drag on - NJ.com

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