English weather doesn't dampen St George's Day spirit in Yate

3:48pm Monday 28th April 2014 in News By Alexandra Womack

Chris Boskett and Paul Warner of the Royal British Legion with George and the Dragon played by Helen Lee and Paul Harding of Discover History, MP Steve Webb with Mayor of Yate Cllr. Wully Perks and Madeleine Bills of the St George Society at the St George

THE Great British weather was in full force on Saturday as Yate celebrated St Georges Day.

The towns heritage centre hosted one of the biggest events to mark the countrys patron saint in the region with a line-up of traditional English entertainment, side stalls and refreshments.

St Marys green, between the centre and St Marys Church, saw a flow of displays by local primary school children including St Pauls Catholic Primary School, St Marys Primary School and North Road Community Primary School.

Morris dancers wowed the crowds and a Punch and Judy show kept children entertained.

Several acts were forced inside due to blustery gales in the middle of the event.

Community heritage officer and organiser David Hardill said: Five or six years we held the event and we knew immediately we wouldnt be putting up any gazebos or marquees because of the weather. But on Saturday it was breezy and only occasionally gusty so we couldnt anticipate it.

We did have a big marquee blow away but the Dunkirk spirit came out with everyone rallying round to help.

See the original post here:
English weather doesn't dampen St George's Day spirit

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April 28, 2014 at 7:06 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Gazebos