Electromagnetic Field (Radiation Meters) Health Dangers
http://www.emfnews.org http://www.emfnews.org Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), also referred to as Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), are all around us. Electromagnetic Fields can come from household wiring, power lines, computers and electronic appliances. Many health concerns have been identified as a result of exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation, particularly when the radiation is very intense and close to the body. Electromagnetic Radiation can cause health dangers can include infertility, heart conditions, leukemia, miscarriages, nausea, muscle pain, skin burns as well as many other health issues. Sources of the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Computers - When near the body, computer generate Rlectromagnetic Radiation can significantly exceed recommended standards and saturate the body. Power Lines radiate Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). Highly elevated power lines carry very high voltages, yet can be relativity safe because typically the human body is a safe distance from the source. Home Wiring running in the walls and ceilings of the home emit low frequency EMFs and should be considered a potential health concern to electrically sensitive people. Electric Blankets can create an Electromagnetic Field (EMF) that penetrates about 6-7 inches into the body and has been linked to miscarriages and childhood leukemia by experts such as Dr. Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper. Microwave Ovens emit high frequency microwave radiation. They emit high frequency emissions measured in milliwatt per ...From:cellphonetowerdangerViews:46 0ratingsTime:00:32More inPeople Blogs

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Electromagnetic Field (Radiation Meters) Health Dangers - Video

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November 2, 2012 at 12:25 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Wiring