Richard Poffenbaugh, In The Garden Published 11:42 a.m. ET Feb. 10, 2020

The gloxinia is a good gift choice for the indoor gardener on Valentine's Day.(Photo: Richard Poffenbaugh Photo)

Valentine's Day is this Friday and it brings back many memories of this special February day.

First are young children making paper valentines to exchange with each other. What a special event.

Next are valentines for children a few years older. This may include some sort of small gift exchange.

As we grow older it may include a special card, flower, candy or other gift. Young adults are in another category with a plant gift, cut flowers, flower arrangement, candy or other timely surprise.

In the plant category, it may be a pot of daffodils, tulips, gloxinia, African violet, moth orchid or other plant of your choice. Special plants are roses and carnations.

As years pass by, you enter the "senior" category where many changes are taking place. As a long time member of that age group, Feb. 14 may include a dinner "date" or gift of a large container of nutritious nuts like almonds or pecans, special candy or other snack food.

Lastly, an invitation to a special home-cooked meal may be the best way to celebrate a long life on Feb 14.

Codes: (L) seed needs light; (D) seed needs dark; CL (cover lightly)

Geranium (CL); lobelia (L) or (D); fibrous begonia (L); verbena (D); dusty miller (L); impatiens (L); salvia (L); vinca (D).

Use indoor light garden with soilless mix. Handle seedlings only by leaf not by stem. Apply water at room temperature, 70 degrees.

A recent column on hedges mention the use of an "orchard ladder." In response to a source of the ladder, they are sold by the A.M. Leonard Co. in Piqua, Ohio. Call 1-800-543-8955 for catalog.

They sell aluminum and wooden ladders in heights of 8, 10 and 12 feet. The third leg in front is a pole; see catalog for photo of ladders. Ladders are shipped by Motor Freight. Prices range from $233 to $345.

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The third leg (pole) gives good balance and ability to reach far into a tree to pick fruit or to do some pruning. Such a ladder is ideal for pruning a tall hedge since you can extend the pruning deeper into a taller/wider hedge. While the cost is high, this ladder will last a lifetime and beyond.

A new, expanded catalog with assortment of daylilies, hostas, Siberian iris. Catalog has a large collection of perennials, including Perennial Plants of the Year, Hostas of the Year, Proven Winners, along with the largest choices of perennials I have seen in a catalog this year. For catalog, visit or call 1-800-374-6120.

When days lengthen and it seems more springlike, bird food supply is low. Birds need not only food, but a source of water. A source of suet helps keep birds warm. Avoid soft fats which are unfavorable for bird health.

Quote for this week: "It's easier to work with Mother Nature than to fight her," Jeff Colombini, chairman of U.S. California Apple Commission.

Richard Poffenbaugh is a retired biology teacher and active home gardener since 1960. He is a member of the Mansfield Men's Garden Club and was editor of the club newsletter (The Greenhorn) for 21 years. He resides in Ontario with his wife, Barbara. Reach him at 419-529-2966.

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In the Garden | Give a beautiful flower to your valentine - Mansfield News Journal

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