When discovering kitchen ideas, there are several aspects to consider and keep in mind as you browse kitchen photos. First and foremost, you should carefully consider your layout and where to place large appliances. Next, you should focus on storage; kitchens contain a lot of utensils, pots, pans and gadgets, and you need to have enough space to store all of your favorites within easy reach. Lastly, your room should reflect your personality with its decor and vibe. The ultimate goal of all kitchens should be to create the most functional yet beautiful space possible to meet your eating and entertaining needs. How do I determine my kitchen layout? If you're starting a kitchen renovation, now is a great time to create exactly what you want. When it comes to layout, always optimize your space; focus on functionality and how your design can cater to the needs of you and your family. For tight spaces, a galley layout is a great kitchen remodeling option. Since horizontal space is limited, think vertical; stack counters and shelves high up on the walls, and try to find innovative storage containers and double-duty pieces. For larger layouts, try an L-shaped or U-shaped design with a big center island or peninsula. These shapes provide plenty of cabinet and countertop space, and you can add a bar-height counter to the island for an instant eat-in space. Reviewing kitchen pictures and photos are a great way to to get a feel for different kitchen layouts and help you decide what you want.

Another essential kitchen remodel essential to consider is the work triangle, which is a 70-year-old concept that is still highly utilized within the design world today. A simple idea that can save both time and energy, the work triangle connects the three main work areas: the sink, the stove and the refrigerator. As a general guideline, the distance between these areas should be no less than 4 feet and no larger than 9 feet. The sum of all three sides of the triangle should be between 13 feet and 26 feet. Given how highly effective this utilitarian design is, definitely take it into account when considering kitchen designs.

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Best Kitchen Design Ideas & Remodel Pictures | Houzz

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June 8, 2017 at 2:47 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Kitchen Remodeling