(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

There's a new house on the east side of Lansing that city officials hope will lead the way for attainable housing in the area.

"It's a way to see if this is one of the many solutions that's needed for the housing crisis," Alan Fox Ingham County Treasurer.

On what used to be two vacant lots on the east side of Lansing now sits Ingham county's first-ever modular home thanks to the Ingham County Landbank

"This is a house that will fit into the neighborhood beautifully. It's about the same size as other houses. It's two story's and the particular design was picked because it will not stand out in this neighborhood," Fox said.

Allen Fox is the Ingham County Treasurer and the chair of the Ingham County Housing Trust Fund.

He says this new home is a part of an experiment to help the housing shortage in the area.

"We wanted to see if they were usable. And affordable to get moderate-income housing into the city. And the state of Michigan had some funds available to try it out," Fox said.

Fox says the house will be sold to a new homeowner at a rate of cost that is subsidized by public money in order to make it affordable.

"So it contributes to increase in home ownership. And it it contributes to having just one more housing unit in the community. That relieves the housing shortage," Fox said.

Dejuan Lewis and his wife Jennifer have lived in the area for years and says they are happy to see changes in their neighborhood.

"Previously, there used to be two houses there and then over the years, they demolish them and there was a garden in there at one point in time that community garden and then now seeing a big house come in it's nice," Jennifer said.

"I will say it's not much to look at over here but you know, the people are real nice. The kids are nice, they come on and they play over here in the backyard with our trampoline. It's nice to add to the community. So I'm all for it," Dejuan said.

Fox says the energy-efficient house is expected to be ready for occupancy by spring of 2024 and this won't be the last that we see of these homes.

"There's going to be another one going up elsewhere in the city later this year," Fox said.

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See the rest here:
First ever modular home in Ingham County placed on the eastside of Lansing - FOX 47 News Lansing - Jackson

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