Killing toxic black mold is easier than you may think.

Learn more about black mold:

In this video, I explain what are the best products to use when killing mold.

Some of the products can easily be made at home!

I also share with you something most mold professional DON'T want you to know.

If you want to protect your family from the harm your family may be in with black mold in your home, you need to watch this video.

When you hear that term, it is actually referring to one particular species of mold. Keep in mind there are over 365,000 species.

The species of mold is named Stachybotrys (pronounced: Stacky-Bot-Tris). Throughout this article, you will see the term black mold, toxic mold, and black toxic mold which will all refer to Stachybotrys.

While Stachybotrys is considered the king of toxic mold, there are other types of mold that may be toxic as well.

Some of those spores are:

MemnoniellaChaetomiumFew Strands of Penicillium and Aspergillus

check out our website:https://lookmold.comYoutube: + =

#mold #killmold #mildew

See more here:
Black Mold - How To Kill Toxic Mold In Under 5 Mins!

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September 29, 2019 at 10:42 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Mold Remediation