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From left, Kelly Wentzlof, of Perrysburg, Ohio, Joe Wentzlof, of South Bend, Ind., Chloe Wentzlof, of South Bend, Ind., and dog Barkley wait to order on the patio at a Perrysburg restaurant Wednesday.

THE BLADE/KURT STEISS Enlarge | Buy This Image

Ohio restaurants may soon be able to welcome four-legged guests to their outdoor patio sections thanks to a bill in the General Assembly.

The legislation would ban state and local officials from enacting ordinances that prohibit dogs at outdoor patios. In an age when people make pets their constant companions, it only makes sense to let restaurants choose whether to cater to patrons who take their dogs along when they go out to eat.

The bill was prompted by a few recent cases in which restaurants promoted dog-friendly events at their establishments only to be warned by public-health officials that restaurant health regulations forbid dogs and other animals.

Ohio senator wants dogs allowed in outdoor restaurant areas Click here to view more Blade editorials

But some health officials have expressed support for the bill as long as restaurants that want to welcome dogs follow a few common-sense rules. Dogs would have to stay outside on the patio only. Dogs would have to be well-behaved and would not be allowed on chairs. Restaurants would need to keep dog-waste cleanup kits on hand.

Restaurants that want to cater to patrons with dogs would have to take on more responsibility. They would have to make sure dog owners cleaned up after their pets and ask the owners of ill-mannered dogs to leave.

Allowing dogs in a patio dining area also would require restaurant staff to be vigilant about cleanliness. But, in general, dogs would not seem to create more of a cleaning challenge than small children dining with their parents.

Restaurants already have to manage the challenges of birds and other wildlife, along with passing traffic and weather, to keep their patio dining areas clean, so a few dog patrons are not likely to make this much worse.

The Michigan Legislature took up a similar measure earlier this year to loosen restaurant health-code regulations and allow dogs on patios. Lawmakers and the governors in both states should approve the bills and let restaurant patrons take mans best friend out with them for dinner.

Dining out goes to the dogs - Toledo Blade

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August 24, 2017 at 5:47 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Patios