Frank McGee (second from left) assisted team members as they drilled in reinforcements

The smell and sound of sawdust and power tools greets those visiting a Fishers of Men worksite.

For the last four years, the Sunday school class from P.G. Baptist Church has made it their mission to help those in need by constructing wheelchair ramps and porches for the disabled and elderly.

Since January of this year, the group has completed eight different projects.

Weve built six ramps and two porches, said group leader Tommy Hendley. We work at least one day a week on projects.

The Fishers of Men Sunday school class has an ever-growing list of projects, so, because of this, schedules are made out in advance.

We usually have lists made up three weeks out, Hendley stated. We try to do these projects on a need basis. If someone is really sick or having a hard time getting in and out, we try to help them first.

Building a handicap ramp has become a usual thing for the group of men.

We can build a ramp in a day, said Hendley. Sometimes people have the money to buy the materials, sometimes the housing coalition helps and then some of the projects we pay for ourselves.

Just last week, the group used their own funds to build a $700 handicap ramp for an individual in McDowell.

The rest is here:
Fishers of Men taking on projects to benefit community

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March 7, 2012 at 12:24 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Porches