NEW ORLEANS, LA (WVUE) - People who live in the Irish Channel are being warned about a rash of thefts of items ordered online and left on front porches. Some of the thieves have even been caught on surveillance video.

"Yesterday, Christmas pajamas were stolen off a front porch," said Ryan McCabe, with the Irish Channel neighborhood association.

Thousands of packages will be delivered to New Orleans homes during the holidays, and in the Channel, thefts are already up.

"All of a sudden this year it's gotten really bad," said resident Brooke Woods.

McCabe added, " It's been a low-grade fever for a while, but recently there's been an uptick."

Resident Rick Viana said it happened so quickly, he believes the thieves actually trailed the delivery driver and took a stuffed animal sent by his parents for his daughter right after it was dropped off.

"Apparently UPS said it was delivered, and set it behind the trash can. I got here an hour later, and it wasn't here," he said.

Woods said she's been ripped off six times.

"Mostly clothes, maybe some presents," said Woods.

The Irish Channel Association has a warning to residents on its Facebook page.

Go here to read the rest:
Irish Channel residents warned about package thefts

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November 21, 2014 at 3:58 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Porches