LITTLE FERRY - Plans have been made by the borough to replace a retaining wall at Indian Lake Park. The project went out to bid April 26.

"As things get older, they become less safe and need to be replaced," said Borough Administrator Michael Capabianco. "The [existing wall's] timbers are 20 to 30 years old and starting to decay."

Borough Engineer Ken Job noted the retaining wall is necessary.

"The old one is falling over," he said. "There's a difference in grade between the walkway and park and adjacent ground. The wall works between the change in grade. The wall is vertical."

"The ground is on one level. Then there's a vertical wall and the ground at another level," he explained.

Concrete blocks will be used in the new wall, Job said, adding it is referred to as a modular block reinforced-earth retaining wall.

"With reinforced earth, when soil is put behind it, they compact the soil so it also acts as support," he said.

The new wall will be the same dimensions as the existing one: roughly 730 feet in length by 3 feet in height, according to Job.

The wall is located along Indian Lake Road.

Bids for the new retaining wall are due May 8. Capabianco said the project will be paid for with an approximately $110,000 county Open Space grant from two years ago as well as with borough capital funds.

Go here to read the rest:
Little Ferry out to bid for park retaining wall

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May 6, 2012 at 6:13 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Retaining Wall