GLASGOW Bo Matthews, superintendent for the Barren County School District, gave a renovation update during the school board meeting Thursday.

Matthews said the roofing projects will be worked on in late spring because he wants to wait for warmer temperatures.

We have a timeline established for the complete removal and replacement of the roof on the gymnasium at [BCHS], Matthews said after the meeting. Theres one more piece to the project. Were actually going to include a roof replacement up at central office on the square in Glasgow, which was the former Glasgow post office. Weve also got approval to address storm water drainage issues that are in the front of the school near the gymnasium. Thats going to be taken care of as well in this project.

Matthews said revamping the media center at BCHS will also be part of the update.

Our plan for the media center renovation is to begin after the last day of school for the school year, Matthews said. That way the bulk of the renovations will be taken care of during the month of June and July and were hoping to complete the remainder of the renovation project for the media center by fall break and thats in order to protect as much as the learning environment during the school year as we can.

Since the library was built in the early 1970s, it has remained the same configuration, he said.

We are going to transform that from a library to a media center, Matthews said. Weve had some technology issues, some lighting issues. We are beginning to transform from the library full of books to electronic media usage. Weve got both types of facilities at all of our elementary schools. Were state-of-the-art at the middle school and the Trojan Academy. Its time that at our highest level of learning at [BCHS] that we move into the 21st century with a media center to complement all of our other parts of [BCHS].

In other news, Cindy Greer from the Campbell Myers and Rutledge firm presented the audit report for the most recent school year.

Matthews said they received a clean audit.

There were no material infractions that had to be addressed, Matthews said. There were some clerical procedural errors that we will be working on, but that will be taken care of by way of training. Certainly with the volume of dollars that come in and go out of the district, we are very proud to present that to the public as our staff members are being good stewards with the dollars that we have to transact with.

More renovations coming

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December 14, 2013 at 6:14 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing replacement