After speaking with Richard McKinney, Greenwoods park director, it is evident that the city is working hard to improve its parks and leisure areas for residents.

The curbing project at the Veterans Memorial park is nearing completion. The curbing has been done and there are roughly 7 spots left out of the 97 available. It has been a long process with lots of donated labor hours. The city was approved for a $10,000 grant to create an app so that visitors to the site can access information regarding the memorial stones. The app will include images of medals, information, a short bio and more. Rep. Charlotte Douglas helped with grant process and details. The city will use local app designed by the Brown family.

McKinney also mentioned the clock tower repairs. The mechanism within the clock was destroyed in April of 1968 during the tornado that struck Greenwood. The city is working on fixing the clock and refurbish electronics within the mechanism. The city is looking at roughly $20,000 in repairs and replacement to the structure. The original mechanism is a Seth Thomas from the 1890s. The city hopes to sync the clock to satellite for accuracy. The roof on the bell tower will also be patched and a new roof installed.

The city is also working on improving walking trails around the lake. Greenwood now enjoys a network of trails that start behind the police station and continue on to Bell Park. The goal is to connect all neighborhoods to trail system for fitness and walking. The city is taking advantage of a grant from the highway department for improvements. The Parks department is waiting on a study that was submitted to the Corps of Engineers about the Crooked Creek connector trails.

McKinney would also like to thank Eagle Scout candidate Zack Eglindoerfer for heading up the new shelter project at Greenwood lake. A shelter was built in the late Lara Morrisons honor using funds donated by her husband Mark Morrison.

Renovations Planned for Town Square Clock

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October 21, 2014 at 3:34 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing replacement