Be prepared for the effects of extreme weather with the Storm Catastrophe Team of Remedy Roofing.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) January 31, 2013

Listen to what other homeowners have said about how Remedy Roofing helped them. Michael Tucker states, I recently called my insurance agents and asked for a referral of someone he trusted to treat us well and do a good job on our roof. Without hesitation he recommended Remedy Roofing. Another homeowner, Lawrence H. Davis, says, I have built over 25 new homes and [Remedy Roofing] were as professional as any I have ever had work for me.

Winter Weather Means Serious Damage to Poorly Maintained Roofs

When a storm blows in, heavy wind, rain and hail follow. Winds blow away loose granules on the surface of shingles, exposing the asphalt sub layer, or remove shingles completely. Excessive rain washes away those same granules, allowing a place for water to damage the structures that lie beneath. Hail is particularly damaging, potentially breaking skylights or windows, tearing or indenting shingles or contributing to loss of granules. Once the immediate damage is done, if not taken care of, future damage from the ultraviolet radiation of sunlight is likely.

Remedy Roofing does not allow the elements to get a foothold. If damage is to wood, metal, clay or slate, their contractors have experience repairing these materials. They use brand name products in all repair jobs and installation and maintenance services too. Remedy Roofing has licensed insurance adjusters on staff to guarantee that every insurance procedure and guideline is followed.

Remedy Roofing has expanded its service area to accommodate homeowners along the East Coast who are still dealing with the ramifications of Hurricane Sandy. The Storm Catastrophe Team has been instrumental in assisting with roofing replacement and repair in those areas.

While the storm cannot be stopped, the time it takes to get residential or commercial properties back to code can be minimized with the licensed, bonded and insured Storm Catastrophe Team members at Remedy Roofing.

The Houston roofer invites homeowners to stop by their website to find answers to the most common roofing questions, to request a free consultation on the process of insurance claims or for a free hail damage assessment. For more information visit or call 1-866-919-2623 today.


The rest is here:
Remedy Roofing Retools Damage Division Geared Toward Roofing Repair When it is Most Needed

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January 31, 2013 at 11:45 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing