In rural India, castes still rule the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Those we used to call the Untouchables, the Dalits, are in charge of cleaning sewers and septic tanks; in exchange, they receive a little bread. A deeply rooted mentality, even among the first concerned. Its my fault, I was born into an untouchable family, considers a young woman. His village is divided into two: the untouchables live in a separate neighborhood. Daily discrimination affects all levels.

For example, an eight-year-old girl no longer goes to school, although it is compulsory. In question : his teachers, who told him not to come. For adults too, the humiliations are incessant; the untouchables arent even allowed in a barbershop, among other things. These discriminations are prohibited; there are dozens of laws supposed to protect Dalits, but they are seldom applied. 15% of the Indian population are always considered as untouchable.

The JT

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See original here:
India: the Untouchables, still victims of the caste system - Pledge Times

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November 21, 2020 at 12:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Sewer and Septic Clean