The Shed pits teenagers against a vampire who has taken up residence in a shedStan and Roxy fight the sinister threat, but do they make it out alive?

Director Frank Sabatella's 2019 horror movie,The Shed, adapts a simple premise with an open ending that left audiences questioning the safety of the heroes: what happened to Stan and Roxy?

The Shedtakes standard-issue vampire movie tropes and tucks them behind a smart, character-driven feature film. Stan (Jay Jay Warren) is an orphan who thinks he's dealing with the normal high school woesbullies, unrequited crushes, and an overbearing grandfatheruntil he realizes that a vampire has taken up residence in the shed on his property. From there,The Shed descendsinto a nightmarish bloodbath when more and more people fall victim to the trapped creature and Stan's best friend, Dommer (Cody Kostro) starts to see Stan's problem as a solution to theirs.

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By the film's climax, Stan and his crush Roxy (Sophia Happonen) are fighting to defend his home come nightfall, when the vampireand the new ones he's turnedare on the prowl. While most of the movie takes place during daytime hours, when the vampires are less of a threat, there's still a high body count, action, gore, and shocking moments that lead up to the movie's final shot, where Stan and Roxy's fate is essentially unknown. Here's what happened inThe Shed's ambiguous ending.

Vampire movies and television were a staple of the early and mid-2000s, and while there are many different approaches in dealing with these creatures,The Shed manages to bring something new to the table. The fact that the vampire is trapped in Stan's shed might seem like a no-brainer, but Sabatella's movie explores the very human conflicts that coincide with this unlikely scenario. Stan is unsure of what to do with the creature at first, and his fear keeps him from acting immediately and doing something logical, like burning the shed down. His dog and his grandfather are the vampire's earliest victims, but after he tries to ask his friend Dommer for helpespecially since there's a body on his propertyhe's surprised with Dommer's answer. In Dommer's mind, this terrifying situation is really to their benefit: they can sacrifice their high school bullies to the monster, or use it to threaten them.

This, of course, ends poorly. Dommer's lust for power and revenge gets him turned into a vampire, and the bullies come sniffing around Stan's property right at dusk, looking for their leader Marble (Chris Petrovski), who ended up summarily meeting his end in the shed. Ultimately, Stan and Roxy are the last two standing, and nurse their injuries in a car before Roxy mentions that it's soon to be nightfall again; they think they've seen the last of the vampires, but as the final shot pans out on the trunk of the car, it's apparent that they're not alone. They missed one. It's an unfortunate oversight, but a realistic one insomuch that a movie about a vampire trapped in a shed can be realistic.

Read more:
The Shed Ending Explained: What Happened To Stan & Roxy - Screen Rant

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September 9, 2020 at 12:56 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Sheds