U.S. like a banana republic

There is an axiom: What you know you have the opportunity to manage. Its what you dont know that bites you in the ass. Seems like security in DC didnt know what was going on around them, or if they did know, they sure blew it completely. The U.S.A. calls itself a republic. OK so where do I get my bananas?

Emil Andew Sekerak, Hamilton

Someone needs to get those launch codes

As I watched the riots in Washington, caused by an apparently mentally unstable President Trump, I became very concerned. The capitol was the centre of violent activity needing leadership, yet the president was nowhere to be found, and was apparently sending offensive or provocative Tweets such that Twitter froze his account. At that point I became acutely aware of my worst fears, and hoped that someone would confiscate Trumps nuclear launch codes. I wondered if Russia is on Level 3 alert, and slept with my clothes on.

Edward A. Collis, Burlington

Where are the Trump fans now?

It wasnt long ago that there were ample letters here from people who obviously admire Donald Trump. Didnt our own premier at one point say he was a role model? Where are all the Trumpists now?

Angela Walters, Burlington

Rats and sinking ships

We all watched in horror and disgust the chaos which took place at the U.S. Capitol this week. Were any of us surprised at what transpired given the divisive and baseless rhetoric coming from Donald Trump since he lost the election?

Quite apart from the surreal pictures and videos, it was fascinating to watch the parade of politicians, pundits, news and social media that rode the Trump gravy train for the past five years, suddenly realize that the trains engineer was leading them to a canyon with no bridge to success. They have been falling over each other to get off that train. Senators and members of Congress who proudly enabled the presidents behaviour over the years suddenly decided to change their positions on certifying the election results. Twitter cut off his social media account. Facebook took down his inflammatory videos. All of these people enjoyed enormous electoral success or made millions (if not billions) of dollars off of the Trump train.

Alas, that train is coming to the end of the line. And no one wants to admit that they had a ticket for the ride.

Ralph DAngelo, Hamilton

Karma bites the U.S.

U.S.A. capitalism, genocide, slavery, war mongering till this day. Cause and effect and the justice karma.

Michael McCrory, Hamilton

We should all learn from Washington

The events in Washington are a very sad reflection of many world governments simply ignoring their own people. When racism, white supremacy, poverty, unemployment, distrust of politicians and lack of affordable health care go largely unchecked, the results are predictable. Extremist groups see this inaction by governments as a great time for the recruiting of angry people. It is worth noting, this is how Hitler and Mussolini came to power in the 1930s with disastrous results for humanity. The Biden administration will have a difficult task of beginning to repair a deeply divided nation and ending a Pandemic that is taking thousands of American lives daily. All Americans need to see this as a wake up call and strive To Make America into a Great Society for all of its citizens. All governments of the world should look closely to what happened in Washington, D.C. For if people have no hope, cannot find work, see those in public office ignoring health guidelines, are subject to racism or cannot find affordable health care the results are predictable the beginning of the breakdown of an orderly society.

Mike LoSchiavo, Stoney Creek

Fords priorities out of whack

As Premier Ford insisted on rapid testing at Toronto international airport for free, our seniors in LTC and retirement homes along with all the valued staff are left out in the cold. Articles have stated that the local health units have the say when the residents and staff are tested. Maybe each week or every other week? With the ongoing rate of infection all staff and residents should have a rapid test every week, also all employees should be tested on their first day back to work after days off. All relatives must be tested each week upon any visits. Any visitor who refuses to wear a mask in front of any staff helping their relative should be barred entry for one week.

Why is Doug Ford so concerned with visiting travellers when our seniors are not being looked after? Doug Ford and his Minister of Long-Term Health have had enough time to study what is wrong with the LTC. Strict rules must be enforced now to save our seniors and disabled. Premier Ford has the power but again big business and friends who run them are more important. Time for all of us to tell him our seniors and disabled are very important to us. Next election remember the bleeding heart, but no action to solve anything.

Sheila Cherriere, Hamilton

Olympics are a misplaced priority

Dick Pound feels that to ensure the success of the 2020 (2021) Olympics, all Olympic athletes should receive priority vaccination.

Mr. Pound, your privilege, is showing.

Forget Phillips, blame Trudeau

Phillips sense of entitlement (Jan. 6)

This was a well written and acceptable letter. Maybe the letter writer could write another letter Trudeaus sense of entitlement. Lets level the playing field and mention all the misdemeanours by our elected politicians not likely considering its our Honourable Justin Trudeau.

Here is the original post:
Opinion | Jan. 9: Spec readers weigh in on Washington riots, forget Phillips go after Trudeau and other letters to the editor - TheSpec.com

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January 9, 2021 at 9:51 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Spec Homes