Published 5:58 pm Thursday, April 4, 2024

The City of Austin Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department has announced a new community outreach initiative: Treat NOW! Protect our ash trees before its too late.

The inaugural community outreach event is scheduled for 6 p.m., on April 9 at the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center.

Emerald ash borer (EAB) is the most serious threat to Austins tree population since Dutch elm disease. The citys trees are decimated during the late stages of infestation, so the city is taking proactive measures to preserve what it can, while it can.

READ MORE: Parks and Rec taking treat first approach to EAB

Trees are a valuable resource and make our city beautiful. Tree removal is costly, and it takes a couple decades to return that value that was lost, Jason Sehon, Austins Director of Parks, Recreation & Forestry, in a press release Thursday. Because of the drought we have been experiencing the last couple of years, it is difficult for [the City] to focus on replanting. Our current focus needs to be on treatment and removal of dangerous trees.

The goals of these events will be to:

This plan will talk about the value of our city trees and the benefits of treatment and re-planting, Sehon said. The thought is that home and business owners have the resources to water and care for trees.

The window for saving our ash trees by treating for EAB is rapidly closing. Ash tree treatment is most effective when applied in late spring, immediately after leaf out. With spring around the corner, Austin is running out of time to effectively treat the trees.

This spring may be the last season ash trees can be saved the release said.

For more information about this initiative or additional event details, please contact Kris Hahn at

Excerpt from:
Community initiative to save ash trees to be launched next week - Austin Daily Herald - Austin Daily Herald

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