Sal Marco

Sal Marco began writing professionally in 2009. He has written many online home improvement articles based on his more than 20 years of experience in the home improvement and building industries. He has worked as both part of a team and as a site supervisor. Marco has a Bachelor of Science in management science from Kean University.

Staining wood doors, moldings and trims provides wood with color to enhance the appearance of a room. Homeowners stain wood doors, molding or trim while the wood is in place or before installation. Wood stains come as liquids or gels in a wide range of natural tones or colors. Clear coating the wood molding, trims and doors offers a layer of protection against damage. Preparing the wood before adding color is necessary to a successful project.

Wood trim is milled from several different wood types, such as pine, poplar and oak, and each type of wood will receive...

Wood trim can add warmth and character to a home. Oak is a hardwood with a coarse grain, which makes it easy...

Door and window trim are accents that enhance the beauty of your doors and windows. Trim is generally stained to match either...

Staining doors and trim will match them to the rest of your room and, when done well, give the wood a more...

Staining trim molding is an integral part of the trim process. If you stain trim before you cut and install it, rather...

How to Stain and Clearcoat Wood Doors, Moulding and Trim. Staining wood doors, moldings and trims provides wood with color to enhance...

How to Stain and Clearcoat Wood Doors, Moulding and Trim. Staining wood doors, moldings and trims provides wood with color to enhance...

How to Stain and Clearcoat Wood Doors, Moulding and Trim ...

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November 6, 2014 at 4:31 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Trim and Moulding