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Melanie L. Marten

Melanie L. Marten has been self-employed for more than seven years. She taught herself website design and development, as well as freelance writing techniques. Her concentration on articles about making and saving money reflect her interest in helping others improve their quality of life.

Fountains add interest to ponds and water gardens and help with the exchange of gases at the water's surface. Pond fountains come in a variety of styles that will suit any landscaping theme. Anyone can install a pond fountain with the correct materials and a few free hours.

Choose a space without anchored plants for your fountain. If you want an umbrella or spray-type fountain, be sure the section of the pond is wide enough and long enough to catch all of the water falling back down. The location should also be convenient to an electrical outlet.

Attach either a rigid tube or a flexible hose to the water outlet on a pond fountain pump. If the pump is a submersible, it can be positioned so a rigid tube points straight up and supports the fountain head.

Attach a filter to the water intake of the pump to prevent it from sucking in debris. Alternatively, you can attach a hose that will suck water from the upper levels of the pond. Tying a piece of screen or mesh over the end with a clamp or zip strip can help. The pump can also be housed in a plastic bucket that is covered with mesh.

Position the fountain pump under the water in the appropriate position. Be sure the electrical cord reaches to the outlet, but do not plug in the pump yet.

Attach the fountain head to the top of the tube or hose and make sure it sits at the surface of the water.

Plug in the pump, then adjust the direction of the fountain so that all of the water falls back into the pond.

The rest is here:
How to Install Pond Fountains | eHow

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