BX/19/03113/TCA: Rose Tree House, The Street. Notification of intention to reduce width on east and south sector back to boundary and crown reduce by 3m on 1 no. Sweet Chestnut tree (T1).

CC/19/02845/FUL: Scopwick Power, Quarry LaneConstruction and operation of an urban reserve 2.5MW micro power plant and associated equipment.

CC/19/02851/FUL: Robert Sadler And Company, First And Second Floors, 30B Southgate.

Replacement entrance door on ground floor and replace first and second floor windows to the front and rear elevations.

CC/19/03147/FUL: Westward House, 38 Fishbourne Road. Change of use from existing short stay accommodation into 3 no. 1 bed flats and refurbishment of existing office space.

CC/19/03162/DOM: 138, Parklands Road. Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension.

CC/19/03203/DOM: 30, Highland Road. Single and two storey extensions between houses to side and rear.

CC/20/00026/TPA: 4, Harberton Crescent. Fell 1 no. Sycamore tree (marked on plan as T1) within Woodland, W1 subject to CC/68/00163/TPO.

CC/20/00012/TPA: Westgate House, 52 Westgate. Reduce and reshape upper crown by up to 3m, reduce major limb on south aspect by approx. 3-5m at 7m (above ground level) and remove major deadwood throughout on 1 no. London Plane tree (T4) subject to CC/62/00135/TPO.

CC/20/00020/TCA: Regnum Court, Flat 3, North Walls.

Notification of intention to crown reduce (all round) by 10% on 2 no. Evergreen trees.

CC/20/00050/DOM: Kimber, Rew Lane. Extension to south west end elevation. Replace dormers. Raise front south east roof. Add porch entrance canopy. Internal remodelling requiring infill of existing under croft area. New windows and doors externally for whole building. Rear Gable extension at first floor only to Master Bedroom.

CC/20/00071/TCA: 19, Whyke Road. Notification of intention to crown reduce to height by 1.5m (to 6m) and all widths by 2m (to 5m) on 1 no. Magnolia tree (T1) and 1 no. Cupressus tree (T2).

East Wittering and Bracklesham

EWB/19/03157/DOM: Whyteways, 7 Peerley Road. Erection of single storey rear extension, infilling of existing front roof overhangs and construction of entrance porch; conversion of garage to habitable room and installation of dormer.

EWB/20/00015/PLD: 3, Willow Way. Erection of single storey rear extension and installation of rear dormer window.

FB/19/03097/TCA: Roman Landing, 69 Fishbourne Road. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Crab Apple tree.

FB/19/03141/FUL: Land South Of Ivy Lodge, Blackboy Lane. Construction of 35 no. affordable residential dwellings for first - time buyers with associated access, parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure.

FB/19/03189/FUL: Fishbourne Centre, Blackboy Lane. Removal of existing wooden decking and fencing. Extension and construction of concrete paved patio area and surrounding low lying wall on east elevation.

FB/20/00043/DOM: 20, Deeside Avenue. Garage conversion into habitable living space and revised fenestration to the side and rear elevations.

FU/20/00028/PNO: Oakwood West Estate, Moutheys Lane. 1 no. forestry storage barn providing secure storage for vehicles, tools and equipment and site welfare facilities.

KD/20/00014/DOM: 57, Townfield. Two storey side extension and single storey front porch extension.

NM/20/00005/FUL: Manor Nursery, Lagness Road. Change of use of former class A1 (retail outlet) building with workshop to provide class B2 (general industrial use) including offices and storage.

O/20/00004/TCA: Oving Lodge, Church Lane. Notification of intention to crown lift by up to 7m (above ground level) on 2 no. Lime trees (T1 and T2) and reduce western sector by 1.5m (back to the wall) on 1 no. Holly tree (T3).

SB/20/00041/DOM: Inlands Barn, Inlands Road. Erection of boundary wall and installation of vehicular and pedestrian gates to provide access from Inlands Road

SI/20/00016/DOM: The Granary, Mill Lane. Replacement single storey outbuilding on site of existing store building - with photovoltaic panels on South facing elevation.

SI/20/00017/LBC: The Granary, Mill Lane. Replacement single storey outbuilding on site of existing store building - with photovoltaic panels on South facing elevation.

SI/20/00046/PA3Q: Land North Of 66 Street, End Lane. Change of use of 2 no. agricultural buildings to 2 no. dwellings (Class C3).

SY/19/03128/OUT: Land At Ursula Avenue.Outline planning permission all matters reserved - erection of 2 no. bungalows.

TG/19/02846/DOM: 87A, Cheshire Crescent.Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension and porch to the front. Installation of ground floor windows to the front and side and second storey window to the side.

WE/20/00024/TCA: Mill House, River Street. Notification of intention to coppice a row of mixed Willow and Hazel trees and self-seeded Plum saplings (marked on plan as 1), reduce back to main stem 3 no. limbs on south-east sector (overhanging road) on 1 no. Ash tree (marked on plan as 2), crown reduce by up to 30% (all round) on 1 no. Apple tree (marked on plan as 3) and fell 1 no. Elderberry tree (marked on plan as 4).

WR/20/00007/TCA: Winterfold, Durbans Road. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Willow tree (T1).

WW/19/03142/FUL: St Peters Church Hall, Church Road. Partial demolition on the east elevation, proposed extension on the south elevation with associated works including extending parking area.

WW/19/03152/DOM: 5, Southcote Avenue. Erection of single store side extension with entrance to front elevation and conversion of garage to habitable room.

WW/20/00029/PNO: Land North Of White Barn, Elms Lane. 1 no. agricultural barn for cattle and storage for equipment, feed and bedding.

SDNP/19/04463/FUL: West Dean Estate, Town Lane. Retrospective approval for the upgrading and resurfacing of an existing private forestry access road on the West Dean Estate. The proposed description of development is as follows: Retrospective resurfacing of section of private single-track lane.

SDNP/19/05716/FUL: Land South East of Hillands Farm, B2141 Marden Hill to Hooksway Lane. Change of use of land from agriculture to camp site and retrospective permission sought for shower and toilet facilities and site signage.

SDNP/19/05583/HOUS: High Marley, Marley Heights. Demolition of outbuildings and construction of swimming pool and erection of adjacent leisure buildings.

SDNP/19/05976/TPO: Land West of 19, Southleys. Reduce 5 no. secondary limbs overhanging car park by up to 3m and deadwood on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T1, TPOd nos. T4). Reduce crown over car park by 3m and deadwood on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T2, TPOd nos T5). Crown lift by up to 3m (above ground level) and deadwood on 1 no. (quoted as a Field Maple tree) is an Oak tree (quoted as T3, TPOd nos T6). Crown reduce to 8m habitat pole on 1 no. Oak tree (Quoted as T4, TPOd nos. T2). All 4 no. trees are subject to FH/92/00474/TPO.

SDNP/19/06040/HOUS: 8, The Leys. Installation of PV Solar Panels on front and rear roof areas.

SDNP/19/05940/HOUS: Hill Croft , Wakestone Lane. Freestanding greenhouse.

SDNP/19/05941/LIS: Hill Croft , Wakestone Lane. Freestanding greenhouse.

SDNP/19/06052/HOUS: The Laurels , The Street. Erection of replacement outbuilding.

SDNP/19/06056/HOUS: The Laurels , The Street. Erection of replacement outbuilding.

SDNP/19/05620/HOUS: Jasmine Cottage , Nyewood Road. Demolition of existing store and construction of single storey side extension.

SDNP/19/06063/HOUS: The Barn House, North Lane. Erection of a greenhouse.

SDNP/19/06119/HOUS: 1, The Street. Insertion of new Velux windows to rear elevation and replacement windows to street elevation.

SDNP/19/06066/HOUS: Brickyard Cottage , Surrey Road. Larger new dormer and construction of new side extension, together with a new outdoor pool and plant shed.

SDNP/19/06129/HOUS: St Peters Well, Vicarage Lane. Internal repair alterations and minor external alterations to. Removal of existing single storey extension and construction of new single storey rear extension.

SDNP/19/06130/LIS: St Peters Well , Vicarage Lane. Internal repair alterations and minor external alterations. Removal of existing single storey extension and construction of new single storey rear extension.

SDNP/19/06109/LDP: Keepers Cottage , Fernhurst Road. Single storey rear extension and front porch.

SDNP/19/05499/HOUS: Quarry Hill, Grove Lane. Construction of garage, car ports and store, with hobbies room over.

SDNP/19/06076/TCA: Leconfield Estate Company, Park Road. Notification of intention to remove 1 no. stem (South sector) on 1 no. Holly tree (T1).

SDNP/19/06128/FUL: 36, Littlecote. Change of use from Childrens Residential Home (C2) to a Veterinary Surgery (Sui Generis) including external material alterations, changes to fenestration, new parking areas and landscape alterations.

Read the original here:
Planning applications submitted to Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority - Midhurst and Petworth Observer

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January 17, 2020 at 2:45 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement