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HomeTools & CasesWire Installation

Need help to find the right choice for you? Check out our guide below!

When you're installing a cabling run, especially one that needs to move through some pretty tight spaces (such as under raised flooring and through ceilings, walls, or crawl spaces), you need more than just your bare hands. And thankfully, there are a number of products available to help you through the process of feeding and pulling cables through those hard-to-reach places.

Pulling stands and trailers can help you get your spools of cable to the jobsite. Cable pulling tools can help move your cable along conduit, and fish tape and rods can guide and retrieve your wires.

Benders can shape your pipes and conduit to fit the needs of your run, and lubrication can help move your cables through the conduit with minimal friction.

If you're looking beyond interior spaces for your runs, we've also got tools and devices designed for aerial and below-ground cabling installations.

Wire installation can be tricky business, but luckily there are plenty of tools to help make your job easier. Whether you are working on a personal project at home or you are on the job installing wires for an industrial setting, its essential to make sure the job gets done right! Some cable jobs can be easy, but others are complicated and require bending and turning wires within flooring and walls and roofs. This kind of maneuvering is close to impossible without the right tools, not to mention downright frustrating and time-consuming. Here, we outline some of CableOrganizer.coms best tools for wire installation.

Wire Installation: Cable Pulling, Fish Tape, Aerial Tools ...

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October 17, 2017 at 12:12 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Wiring Installation