In addition to beauty trees bring many other benefits:

Their leaves filter the air by removing dust and other particulates. They absorb carbon dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide and give off oxygen. They clean the air we breathe. Tree roots capture rainwater and remove impurities, reducing creek and ocean pollution.

They reduce noise levels.

Their shade reduces the use of air-conditioning by as much as 25%.

They reduce soil erosion.

They increase real estate values.

Their shade prolongs the life of asphalt.

Workers with views of trees are generally more productive, less stressed and happier.

Post surgery patients with views of trees recover more quickly than those without.

People simply are nicer where there are trees; their presence reduces domestic violence.

I hope everyone will do everything they can to maintain and enhance our urban forest. We all will benefit.

Continue reading here:
Santa Barbara and Its Trees - Santa Barbara Edhat

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Category: Driveway Paving