IT'S that time of year when the feng shui conscious among us are busy studying directions and flying stars.

This year, as I busy myself with said directions and stars, I am reminded of this shop that used to be on Session Road, called Old Pagoda. I recall that it was either where KFC is now or a bit lower on that incline. At any rate, it was owned and run by this exotic Chinese woman whose hairdo consisted of not one bun, not two, but three or four at any given sighting. What a character.

A tingaling accompanied entering the Old Pagoda door, and the shop was full of Chinese antiques and bricabrac. A musty smell accompanied any looking and shopping. And that exotic woman smiled as the tingaling announced you, either entering or leaving. Im now thinking that had I been feng shui conscious then, I would have gone to Old Pagoda for my flying stars needs.

In the here and now, this incoming Year of the Sheep has the dangerous flying stars in the west, center, southeast, and south. The number 5 bad earth star is in the west and requires a metal cure. The west is also where the three killings are, and requires three celestial guardians to be parked there: fu dog, chi lin, and pi yao. The number 3 flying star is center, bringing conflict, and said star is cured by any number of feng shui items, my most often used being fu dogs. The southeast is where the number 2 Illness star is, and can be subdued by a wu lou. The number 7 robbery star is south, and is cured by, again, any number of items. My most often used is the blue rhino and elephant tandem.

As for the lucky stars, they can be enhanced.

(To be continued)

Published in the Sun.Star Baguio newspaper on January 24, 2015.

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January 24, 2015 at 4:12 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui