Hillary Diane reports what happened when she went to the Mass. General emergency room yesterday with flu-like symptoms and she was brought up to the hospital's Covid-19 clinic and then tested negative on a flu test:

So when my influenza test came back negative, the doctor admitted that he thinks it's possible that I have Covid-19, and really wants to test me, but he can't - even though I have symptoms and potential exposure, *they have no testing kits at this time*. They even called up the chain to Biothreats/DPH, to ask if they could test me anyway even though I don't strictly fit the State criteria, and they said no.

I asked about Quest and LabCorp, as I recently read that they were taking samples and could test. But as of about an hour ago (6:30pm on Wed March 11th) the doctor said they have been calling those labs and more, but they actually *can't* do it... He said that what the media is reporting about that isn't true (yet). He said he thinks it will be a week or two before testing capability actually ramps up.

See the original post:
Did the woman in 'strict isolation' at the hospital with a bad respiratory infection have coronavirus? Who knows - the hospital didn't have enough...

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March 16, 2020 at 11:44 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui