Prices Broken Down Into Detail

Why does a product that retails for $ 3.89 a square foot actually cost $10.00 once it's over and done with? We've broken down prices to nearly every single tidbit including the walking the family dog.

Buying A New Floor. What? Where To Start?

Always a struggle. What type of floor to choose and why? Engineered, solid? Can it be installed on my concrete floor? In this section we go the entire nine yards including what many salespeople will not tell you unless you ask.

What's The Cost To Hire a Professional?

Everybody wants to know what it costs to hire a professional. We've provided a handy list that details nearly every type of task a hardwood professional handles. Keep in mind, these numbers are general guesstimates and will vary substantially.

Advice. Everyone Says Something Different.

Everyone says something different including the plumber. Who to believe? Some advice will create problems instead of helping. Big box store advice to internet retailers, and hometown professionals.

Hardwood Floors Sell Homes. How Much Do I Need To Spend?

The addition of wood floors in your home has proven to increase a home's value and help sell a home faster. That's the easy part. However, most people don't know which direction to take. Do I need to spend a fortune or can I get away with a budget floor? See examples and reasons why.

Go here to read the rest:
Hardwood Flooring Guide - Installation, Refinishing. Reviews ...

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November 26, 2013 at 10:46 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Flooring Installation