1. Clear the area. Kill weeds and any remaining poor-looking grass with a non-selective herbicide about 2 weeks before you want to seed your lawn. After everything is completely dead, rake the area to remove the debris.

2. Prep for success.Now is a great time to core aerate the area if your soil is really compact. (Learn more about aerating here.) After aerating, rake the area level and loosen the top inch of soil. Then add a 1-inch layer of Scotts LawnSoil evenly across the entire planting area. Its specifically formulated with a blend of rich, composted materials to provide an excellent growing environment for young seedlings.

3. Select your grass seed.Choose a Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed that is right for your location. Do you live in the north and need a grass type that stays green in cooler temperatures, or do you live in the south and need a grass type that stays green during the hot summer months? Be sure to also take into consideration the growing conditions in your area: How much sun? How much wear and tear from children and family pets? If you need help finding a grass type that matches your growing conditions, check out our Identify Your Grass article.

4. Spread your grass seed.Once youve selected your grass seed and your soil is prepped, its time to seed. This is the easy part. Just fill up your Scotts spreader with grass seed, adjust the spreader settings according to the label directions (use the New Lawn coverage rate) and apply.

5. Feed for growth.After youve spread your grass seed, apply Scotts Turf Builder Starter Lawn Food for New Grass to provide developing grass seedlings much-needed nutrients so the young root system can grow deeper, faster. If you're reseeding with Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrasses or fescues, apply Scotts Turf Builder Starter Lawn Food for New Grass Plus Weed Preventer instead. It not only gives developing seedlings needed nutrients but also prevents listed weeds like dandelion and crabgrass from sprouting for up to 6 weeks.

6. Water daily.Proper watering is a critical step to seeding success. Keep the soil surface moist by watering daily or as needed until the seedlings reach at least 2 inches tall.

Excerpt from:
How to Replant Lawn Grass - Lawn Repair - Scotts

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October 7, 2019 at 8:46 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding