
A Reddit post asking if gardens were illegal in New Zealand was met with a slew of jokesters taking the mickey out of Kiwi society.

New Zealand: land of the long white cloud, flightless birds and furry fruit of the same name, and, apparently, garden bans.

Following a question posted on social media forum Reddit asking if gardening in New Zealand was illegal, a satirical thread on the topic has gone viral.

"My friend told me he heard that you can't have a garden in New Zealand. That it is illegal. I'm not sure if this is true. I Googled it, but got no founds. Could you guys please tell me? And please no hate I know this question might be insulting to some of you," Reddit user WhyNotSmeagol asked.

Playing along, Kiwis Redditors were quick to back each other up to maintain the confusion.

Sacredsnowhawk posted a sarcastic tale of his family's continued run-ins with NZ's garden Gestapo.

"My brother was killed in the Moutua Gardens protest. My uncle lost an arm in the 1981 Spring Bok-choi Riots. My sisters were arrested and thrown into prison, without trial, by a police-led mob after they were discovered re-potting gardenias. Every day I live in fear, alienated by my community for having relatives marked by the Green Thumb. I envy the dead.

Poster Muter asked 'what is garden?' and why he hadn't heard of it before.

"Holy s**t I just googled it. So pretty. Why aren't we taught this stuff in school?"

See more here:
Illegal garden post's hilarious growth

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November 28, 2014 at 10:22 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding