Spring is just twenty days away. Even though Old Man Winter keeps hanging on; dont be fooled. Spring will arrive. When it does, I plan to be ready. My first proactive action is to attack crabgrass. (It really makes me crabby.) I love a beautiful lawn so I will be ready in plenty of time to prevent most of those ugly, grassy nuisances from every showing their faces in my presence. (I told you it makes me crabby.)

If your lawn was damaged this past summer chances are that there is open ground ripe for crabgrass. Even the best of lawns may have an invasion along the driveway and sidewalks. So, when, where and what should be done?

Crabgrass is a summer annual grass that germinates in the spring and dies with the frost in the fall. Hot, dry environments, like Kansas summers, encourage crabgrass because cool-season lawns are struggling at that time. Crabgrass will often take over if the lawn is not well taken care of. A healthful lawn is always the best weed preventer.

There are two chemical methods to control crabgrass: pre-emergence (before it appears or slightly after), and post-emergence (after it appears).

Pre-emergence products dont actually keep the seed from germinating; instead just after germination the new plant absorbs the chemical from the soil and dies. With few exceptions, most crabgrass preventers will have no effect on existing crabgrass plants. Crabgrass germinates when the soil reaches 55 degrees or warmer for 3-5 days at the inch level. This happens typically around May 1 so April 15 is a good date to shoot for if a spring application of product is made. Note: not all spring weather cooperates with gardeners. A good indicator for timing product application is to watch the Eastern Red Bud trees; when they begin to reach full bloom its time to apply crabgrass preventer.

Dimension and Barricade are the only two products that will give season-long control of crabgrass from a single application. In fact, they can be applied much earlier than April 15. Dimension can be applied as early as March 1 and Barricade can be applied in the fall. Both will retain their effectiveness. Because of the way these products work (killing seed as it germinates) new grass seed cannot be planted during the same season.

If you need to plant grass seed in the spring (fall is the better time) here are a couple options:

i. Tupersan can be applied while seeding. It will allow the grass seed to germinate while preventing crabgrass and various other weeds. The drawback is that it must be reapplied in 8 weeks and is not overly effective as a weed preventer.

ii. I prefer allowing grass seed to germinate and two weeks after it emerges from the soil applying Dimension. Dimension is one of the rule breakers because it can kill crabgrass at germination and in its very young stage (2-3 leaves). Dimension is also the best choice when treating a lawn that was planted last fall. It is kind to young tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass seedlings.

Note: Products that contain Dimension and Barricade may use the common name rather than the trade name. The common chemical name for Dimension is dithiopyr. A product with this in it is Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper by Hi-Yield. The common chemical name for Barricade is prodiamine. This is found more often in a weed and feed product like Fertilomes All Seasons Lawn Food + Crabgrass Preventer. (It is best for your lawns health to apply preventers in April and fertilizers in May so using Barricade in the fall is a good idea.)

Go here to read the rest:
Jamie Hancock: Get mean now in battling crabgrass

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February 28, 2014 at 7:02 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding