There are several types of pests that are commonly referred to as Lawn Grubs. It is worth noting that Fescue, Kikuyu and Couch grasses are more susceptible to major damage from infestations of lawn grubs, while buffalo species including Sir Walter Buffalo are more tolerant to infestation and will spring back from any damage far better than other grass varieties.

Root feeding grubs are the larvae of various species of scarab beetles, including Japanese beetles, June Bugs or cockchafers. Often referred to as white curl grubs, they have a soft, C-shaped body with legs near the head. They are sometimes incorrectly identified as witchetty grubs. Root feeding grubs live under the surface of the soil, feeding on the roots of the grass (and organic matter in the soil), resulting in damage to the structure of the lawn and causing sections of the lawn to die. The grubs are most prolific during the summer months, before becoming adult beetles over the cooler months. They emerge from soil to mate and lay eggs during Spring which hatch into more grubs and so the cycle continues.

Surface dwelling lawn grubs are the larvae of moths, and include species such as sod webworm, armyworm and cutworm. These caterpillar-like grubs feed on the leaves of the lawn during the night causing damage to the surface of the lawn which may present as brown patches.

See more here:
Lawn Grubs | Tell-tale Signs of Infestation and Treatment

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February 4, 2019 at 5:44 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Lawn Treatment