Brick thrown through patio doors in Beggarwood

4:52pm Friday 5th April 2013 in News By Chris Gregory

DETECTIVES are hunting two men who threw a brick through the patio doors of a Basingstoke home.

The men, both wearing baseball caps, fled the house in Oceana Crescent, Beggarwood, when they saw the occupants of the house.

The incident took place shortly before 9.30pm on Sunday, March 31.

The first man is described as white, around 5ft 9ins tall, aged about 30, and had an athletic build and dark hair.

The second man is described as white, younger than the first man, of skinny build and had blond hair.

An efit image of one of the men has now been released.

Detective Constable Andy Panter said: This was a frightening experience for the occupants of this house. Fortunately no-one was injured and nothing was taken from the house.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Det Con Panter at Basingstoke CID on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Brick thrown through patio doors in Beggarwood

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