In a couple weeks, it will be both Passover and Easter two overlapping holidays that to Christians will be forever intertwined and, to the Jewish people, a demonstration of Gods power to rescue them from slavery, death and Pharaoh.

How so? The night of Passover was also the night that Jesus was betrayed by Judas and taken by the Roman guards for trial.

Jesus and his disciples had celebrated the Passover meal that night, following the Jewish tradition that had been commanded for the Jewish people following their deliverance from Egypt and the cruel masters that had enslaved them.

You are most likely familiar with that story how God called Moses to lead the Israelites to freedom and the plagues God sent when Pharaoh repeatedly refused to let them go.

Water turning to blood, frog and insect infestations and finally the deaths the firstborn of the Egyptians including Pharaohs family.

The firstborn of the Israelites were spared because they had been warned by God this was coming. They were to paint above their doorways with the blood of a lamb. When the angel of death saw the blood, he would pass over that house, leaving all alive. Thus, that is celebrated in the Jewish faith as Passover, (and remembered by Christians for that significance as well.)

The season of Lent, the time approaching Easter, is commemorated in some of our churches with special events, like the soup suppers and devotionals at Grace Lutheran Church being held on Wednesday evenings approaching Easter.

The next event coming up in regard to the holidays is Good Friday, the day Jesus hung on the cross.

For several years now, this community has gathered at the Church of the Nazarene at noon on Good Friday April 3 this year and that also is the first day of the April 311 Passover celebration.

This community event has been well-attended by all denominations, with participation by several pastors and local vocalists, and I have been to many of them. I would encourage you to go to this one; it is always such a joy to see folks from all denominations worshiping together. And the location in town makes it possible for people to attend on their lunch hours.

Read more:
Church Notebook: Easter, Passover offer opportunity to return to faith

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March 24, 2015 at 7:54 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Power Washing Services