September 17, 2020 Community News, Restaurant/Bar News

Reade Street between Hudson/Greenwich and Duane between Hudson/West Broadway will be closed to traffic as part of the citys Open Streets program that extends till Oct. 31 to benefit restaurants.

Restaurant Marc Forgione is listed as the partner in the Reade Street closing. Hours are Wednesday through Sunday, 4p to 11p. Khe-Yo is the partner in the Duane Street closing and the street there will be closed seven days a week between noon and 11p.

The departments criteria require that a neighborhood group OR a group of three restaurants apply for the program in the case of Reade Street, I would guess Forgiones application was in conjunction with Reade Street Pub and maybe Jacks? On Duane, Khe-Yo has Weatherup on one side and Sushi of Gari on the other. The partner restaurants as a group are responsible for collecting trash during those hours, notifying neighbors about the closure and setting up and removing the barriers.

Now, if Duane is closed as an east/west thoroughfare, it is a major mystery why the city would not also close Duane between Greenwich and Hudson, especially when there are five restaurants in that stretch that would benefit. The Friends of Duane Park applied for the program back in May, and the city is just taking this action now four months later. Tokyo Bay is already gone, and The Hideaway is on the edge all for what? To wait until it is almost too cool to eat outside and for when the traffic starts to pick up?

Too little, too late is the conclusion here.

See the original post here:
Parts of Reade and Duane will close to traffic - Tribeca Citizen

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