Police Chief Tim Storbeck will be guest speaker at the July 15 meeting of the West Milford Lakes Committee.

The committee has been formulating questions to pre-sent to Storbeck about law enforcement topics of interest to people in the lake communities. The general public is welcomed by the committee to attend all the committees meetings.

One of the subjects the lakes committee wants information from the police chief about is a problem of unlicensed quads and dirt bikes being operated in the various communities. The committee members at their June 17 meeting said this is a major problem in some places.

The lake representatives said they also want to know about how to deal with trespassers in the private communities; if there are police patrols on privately-owned lake community streets and roads; if the police department provides officers for lake community events and if so what is the procedure. The committee said they also want to know about a pooper scooper ordinance and what the procedure regarding it is.

Lake residents with additional questions for Storbeck should pass them on to their lakes committee representative.

Seeing that property owners comply with the existing township ordinance requiring pumping of individual septic systems every 3 years has been coming up during the general discussions at most recent committee meetings.

Health Director Michael Fitzpatrick has been checking with the Spatial Diagnostic System to see if data reports can be generated. The committee is waiting for Fitzpatricks answer to this question.

Volunteers will be needed to input data. The committee is also waiting to hear from Fitzpatrick if high school students can be asked to do some of this work. Any adult volunteers with computer skills to enter the data should let the Health Department know or attend a Lakes Committee meeting, usually on the third Monday of each month.

The pertinent information to be gathered for listing will include who pumped, who did not, note of pumping that showed problems and pumping that did not show problems.

Result will be that if a property has not met the pumping requirements a notice will be sent by the Health Department telling the property owner to comply, Fitzpatrick told the committee at the June 3 meeting. He said notices would be sent out if there is no record of pumping. After a second notice is sent to property owners and there is still no response procedures for fines will be applied, the health director said.

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Police chief to speak at Lakes Committee meeting in West Milford

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