Connecting the downtown business district with The Banks could be a reality sooner than later.

The City of Cincinnati is hoping to install decks over Fort Washington Way between Elm Street and Main Street for the development. The city, along with non-profit and corporate support is announcing a national design competition, "Connect the Blocks," to establish a vision for the decks over Fort Washington Way.

A grocery store, skate board park and music amphitheatre are just some of the ideas generated by the public to transform Ft. Washington Way between the downtown business district and the Banks.

Elizabeth Wetzel is a project coordinator for the city manager's office, her job is to find the vision for the project and get the public's feedback.

"People had some really constructive and creative ideas, there was definitely some things to consider," said Wetzel. "All kinds of things that would draw younger people, kind of the 14-22 demographic, like a skate park, soccer field other recreational activities."

The pile foundations for the decks were originally constructed during the improvements made to Fort Washington Way in the early 2000s, through a $10 million investment from the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, and private investors. Now, the City seeks to develop on those foundations.

In a press release, City Manager Milton Dohoney says a vision must first been created, then the city can move forward.

"The Banks is well underway, downtown is growing, and now we must begin thinking about what we as a community want to see over Fort Washington Way to connect downtown and the riverfront," said Dohoney.

The City will conduct a Call for Entries in a national design competition for design, architectural, and engineering experts to create design concepts and cost estimates for the decks over Fort Washington Way between Elm Street and Main Street. Local professionals will act as judges in the competition. Monetary stipends will be awarded to between three and five finalists to further refine their designs.

More here:
Public input wanted on Fort Washington Way decks

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October 1, 2012 at 8:28 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks